Council committees

The council is made up of 39 councillors who are elected every four years. Councillors are democratically accountable to the residents of the ward they represent.


Independents for Newark and District: 6 councillors (15.4%)

Independent: 5 councillors (12.8%)

Liberal Democrat:  3 councillors (7.7%)

Newark and Sherwood District Independents:  2 councillors (5.1%)

Green: 2 councillors (5.1%)

Making decisions

Some decisions are made by the full Council. The Cabinet will discharge all Cabinet functions (Executive functions). These are the functions which are not the responsibility of the Council, a Committee any other part of the Council. The Policy and Performance Improvement Committee undertakes the statutory scrutiny function, policy development and performance review.

Part C of the Council's constitution (Responsibility for functions) gives a detailed explanation of each of our committees remits, and responsibilities.



Policy and Performance Improvement Committee

Regulatory Committees

Shared Committees