Committee details


Members of the public can ask questions at Full Council committee meetings.

The process for this is outlined on our website and in Part C (Responsibility for Functions) of our constitution.

Purpose of committee

The Cabinet discharges all Cabinet functions and comprises eight portfolio holders including the Leader and Deputy Leader, with the Leader of the Largest Opposition Group being appointed as a voting member of the Cabinet without portfolio.


·      Leader of Newark and Sherwood District Council and Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Performance & Finance

·      Deputy Leader of Newark and Sherwood District Council and Portfolio Holder for Heritage, Culture & the Arts

·      Portfolio Holder for Climate Change

·      Portfolio Holder for the Biodiversity & Environmental Services

·      Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Economic Development

·      Portfolio Holder for Housing

·      Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing & Leisure

·      Portfolio Holder for Public Protection & Community Relations


Contact information

Support officer: Nigel Hill. Email: