Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Notts NG24 1BY
Contact: Nigel Hill Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers and as to the Party Whip Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Declarations of Intention to Record the Meeting Minutes: The Chairman advised that the proceedings were being audio recorded by the Council. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 309 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes from the meeting held on 5 April 2018 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Forward Plan of Policy & Finance Items PDF 250 KB Minutes: The Committee noted the Forward Plan items to be considered by the Committee over the next 12 months. |
Order of Business Minutes: With the agreement of the Committee, the Chairman changed the order of business and Agenda Item Nos. 19, 20, 21 and 22 were taken after Agenda Item No. 5. The Agenda resumed its stated order thereafter. |
Annual Standards Report for the Period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 PDF 231 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the Annual Standards Report for the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018. The Monitoring Officer had received eight Code of Conduct complaints during the period, none of which had been referred for formal investigation. Register of Interest forms for Newark & Sherwood District Councillors had been recently updated to include two questions regarding related party interests. Town and Parish Council were reminded annually to update their forms, which were published on the District Council’s webpage.
AGREED that the report be noted.
Reason for Recommendation
To provide Members with details of the standards complaints in 2017/18. |
Minutes: The Committee considered a report with an update on the progress made over the last year towards the Council’s corporate equalities objectives and gender pay gap information. The Committee considered information regarding the projects, initiatives and work streams that were being undertaken to contribute to the Equality and Diversity Strategy, which were managed through an Officer Corporate Equalities Working Group. The report also detailed an analysis of the gender pay gap and actions considered to help reduce the gap.
AGREED (unanimously) that
(a) the report and the progress made against the Council’s equality and diversity objectives be noted; and
(b) the Committee note the outcomes and findings of the Gender Equality Pay Gap report.
Reason for Recommendations
To keep Members informed of progress made against the objectives included within the Council’s adopted Equality and Diversity Strategy and the Gender Pay Gap Report. |
Progress Update on Child Poverty Issues PDF 581 KB Minutes: The Committee considered a report which sought to provide a progress update to Members on the work undertaken in relation to reducing Child Poverty in the district; with a focus on the 2011 Child Poverty Pledges and the outcomes following the Social Mobility Commission report - State of the Nation (2017). The report contained information on some of the work undertaken by the Council to tackle child poverty and promote social mobility within the District.
A Member of the Committee commented that the report showed no actual progress with tackling the issue of child poverty. He acknowledged that there were some initiatives but these did not directly address the issue. In response, the Business Manager – HR, OD & Legal advised that it was a high level report and was in response to the Social Mobility Commission Report – State of the Nation published in 2017. She added that the Council worked with Nottinghamshire County Council and that some of the actions undertaken were at both a county and district level. Work was carried out in the socially deprived areas by the Business Manager – Economic Development. It was noted that should Members wish to see further information on the work ongoing this could be provided.
The Chairman of the Committee requested that a further update report be added to the Forward Plan for consideration at a future meeting and noted that the pledges had been set by the County Council.
A Member of the Committee acknowledged that the increase in child poverty was due to factors beyond the control of the Council and queried how the effectiveness of the pledges was to be monitored. The Business Manager – HR, OD & Legal advised that they had been developed with the Nottingham Strategic Group and that the outcomes would be firmed up at their next meeting.
AGREED (unanimously) that
(a) the progress made against the Child Poverty pledges made by the Council in 2011 be noted;
(b) the outcomes identified within ‘improving the life chances of children, young people and families action plan 1st April 2018 – 31st March 2020’ (refer to para 3.5 / Appendix C) be noted; and
(c) the update regarding Social Mobility be noted.
Reason for Recommendations
To inform Members on the progress around Child Poverty pledges and the outcomes on the Social Mobility Commission report – State of the Nation.
Reconstitution of Working Parties/Task & Finish Groups PDF 231 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report regarding the reconvening of various working parties and task and finish groups established by the Committee, which were detailed in the appendix to the report. The Committee were also invited to appoint a representative for the Local Development Framework Task Group.
The Committee also noted that the Strategic Housing Liaison Panel was currently made up of five councillors and five board members. However, in October last year the Council agreed to change the Company’s constitution reducing the Board of Newark and Sherwood Homes Ltd from 12 to 9. Therefore it was recommended that the Committee consider reducing the current size of the Panel proportionately.
AGREED (unanimously) that
(a) the Working Parties/Task & Finish Groups, as set out in the appendix to the report, be reconvened with the memberships as detailed;
(b) the size and makeup of the membership of the Panel of the Strategic Housing Liaison Panel remain unchanged; and
(c) Councillor D.J. Lloyd be appointed as the Committee’s representative on the Local Development Framework Task Group.
Reason for Recommendations
To reconstitute the appropriate Working Parties/Task & Finish Groups. |
Review of Leisure Centre Provision PDF 271 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager – Housing Options & Safeguarding which provided progress made in considering the options available for improving and sustaining leisure provision in Sherwood.
The report set out the background to the review of leisure centre provision in Sherwood and the objectives of the project. An options appraisal was appended to the report with the three options summarised at paragraph 4.1. Details of the proposals were reported together with a financial appraisal and comments of the Council’s Section 151 Officer.
The matter had been considered by the Leisure & Environment Committee at its meeting held on 26 June 2018 with a recommendation being made to the Policy & Finance Committee not to progress, at the present time, with Option 3 contained within the report. The Leisure & Environment Committee also recommended that approval be given for appropriate land transfers from Nottinghamshire County Council and the Dukeries Academy to the District Council with delegated powers being given to the Director – Customers to effect those transfers, to support the development of sports hub light model linked to the Ollerton & Boughton Neighbourhood Study.
In noting the current swimming provision at Wellow House School, a Member of the Committee, who was also the Local Member for Boughton, commented that there were no changing facilities and also that it was difficult for the public to access a private facility. He suggested that the Dukeries Academy be contacted to ascertain whether it was possible to reactivate the existing swimming facility with a view to the Council taking over responsibility for its operation. The Member therefore suggested that consideration of the matter be deferred to allow those discussions to take place.
In response, another Member of the Committee advised that the Dukeries had taken the decision to close the facility with no consultation or negotiation and had also filled in the swimming pool area so the suggested negotiation to reactive the facility would not be possible. He acknowledged that the provision of a swimming facility was difficult and that it had been unfortunate that the arrangement with the South Forest Leisure facility had not been sustainable. He noted that use of the Wellow House facility had only been in operation for a short time and that it would likely improve. If the Council chose to fund and build a swimming facility in Sherwood it would almost completely wipeout the Council’s available reserves. He stated that it was important that the suggested acquisition of land from Nottinghamshire County Council be progressed, noting that the outcome of the survey had been that residents preference was for outdoor leisure facilities.
AGREED (with 4 votes for and 2 against) that:
(a) Option 3 contained in the report should not be progressed at the present time; and
(b) approval be given for the transfer of land from Nottinghamshire County Council and the Dukeries Academy to the District Council with delegated powers being given to the Director – Customers to effect those transfers, to support the development of ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Proposed Land Transfer between Newark & Sherwood DC and Newark Town Council PDF 239 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Acting Chief Executive presented a report which detailed proposed land transfers between the District Council and Newark Town Councils.
Newark Town Council wished to construct new staff and vehicle accommodation in Newark Cemetery and discussions had taken place with the District Council with a view to extending the current boundary which runs adjacent to Sparrow Lane to align with the new cycle track that had recently been constructed. This would provide the Town Council with a small but useful strip of additional land which would assist in providing suitable space for the proposed new facilities.
The District Council were progressing proposals for the redevelopment of the area around Lincoln Road playing fields as part of the Bridge Ward Regeneration Project and had approached Newark Town Council with a view to them transferring a parcel of land at Lincoln Road playing fields to the District Council. The site was transferred from the District to the Town Council in 1989 with a covenant that it be used for allotment purposes only. The covenant was subsequently varied in 2009 to permit its use for allotments or for recreational purposes (playing field use) only.
It was recommended that the two sites should be swapped at no cost to either Council in respect of the proposed transfers but with each party meeting its legal and other associated costs in relation to the proposed transfer. Approval by Newark Town Council to the proposed land swap had been given on 18 April 2018.
AGREED (with 4 votes for) that
(a) a strip of land between Newark Cemetery and Sparrow Lane as shown edged red on the attached plan 1, be transferred to Newark Town Council in consideration for the transfer by Newark Town Council to the District Council of the parcel of land at Lincoln Road playing fields shown edged red on the attached plan 2; and
(b) each party bear their own legal and other associated costs in relation to the proposed transfers.
Reason for Recommendations
To facilitate a land swap that would benefit both authorities.
Councillor Girling and Councillor Lloyd did not participate or vote on the above item. |
Extra Care Scheme - Ollerton PDF 500 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Director - Safety which sought approval, in principle, to progress the development of an extra care scheme in Ollerton financed through the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan and subject to a successful housing grant bid submission to Homes England.
The Committee considered the evidenced need for the proposed development and heard that Officers of the District Council, the Company and the County Council had discussed the feasibility for the development of a new extra care scheme in Ollerton, where there is a specific identified need for around 40 nominated units.
The proposal was for the development of a new extra care scheme on the allocated HRA housing site (Policy OB/Ho/2 - Ollerton & Boughton - Housing Site 2), in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council, Newark and Sherwood Homes and Homes England.
The Scheme would be funded through the capital finances available within the HRA Business Plan and delivery of the scheme and dependent on:
a) Submission of a housing grant bid through Homes England’s Affordable Homes Programme and subject to this being successful. b) Securing planning permission. c) Satisfactory procurement of a development partner within the prescribed cost envelope. d) Signing of a Co-operation Agreement with Nottinghamshire County Council.
AGREED (unanimously) that
(a) the Committee approves in principle the development of a new extra care scheme on the allocated Housing Revenue Account housing site (Policy OB/Ho/2 - Ollerton & Boughton - Housing Site 2), to be delivered in partnership with Homes England, Newark and Sherwood Homes and Nottinghamshire County Council; and
(b) the development of the extra care scheme be financed through the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan and be subject to successfully securing the matters set out at paragraph 4.2 of the report.
Reason for Recommendations
To meet the Council’s strategic priorities under the theme of ‘home’, set against the evidenced housing, health and social care need for this locality. |
Estate Regeneration - Bridge Ward PDF 541 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report providing an update on work being progressed on the Bridge Ward Estate regeneration proposals, further to the Council successfully receiving ‘Capacity and Enabling’ funding through the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s (MHCLG) Estate Regeneration Programme.
In considering the report, the Committee noted the activities being progressed through the ‘Capacity and Enabling’ funding of Estate Regeneration Programme, to meet the timetable set out at paragraph 2.4 and that an indicative funding gap had been identified. Officers were working with Homes England and MHCLG to secure Government finance to bridge this gap to mitigate its potential implications.
Members also considered the proposal to develop rehousing policies giving priority to displaced residents and potential use of Compulsory Purchase powers for residents of properties potentially affected by demolition and redevelopment.
The Local Members for the Bridge Ward, who were in attendance at the meeting, addressed the Committee advising that the workshop held the previous day had been well received. However, residents had expressed some concern that they were unable to have access to a plan for the proposed regeneration scheme as referred to by the Leader of the Council during his interview with Radio Newark. The Local Member addressing the Committee requested that recommendation (c) of the report be amended to remove reference to the possible use of compulsory purchase powers.
The Business Manager – Strategic Housing advised that the reference to the possible use of compulsory purchase powers was in order for the Council to be able to be proactive in developing an appropriate offer for residents who may be affected and for them to have a single point of contact to discuss the matter.
The Director – Safety advised that it was necessary to begin the development of rehousing policies giving priority to displaced residents but that reference to the possible use of compulsory purchase powers could be removed at this stage. She added that the Council wanted the residents to feed into the consultation process and that if they did support the proposals and they came to fruition it would involve the displacement of some residents.
The Chairman clarified that his reference to a plan, when being interviewed by Radio Newark, was in relation to sporting facilities and green space provision and not in relation to housing provision. He stated that it may be necessary for the Council to make difficult decisions in the future but that the use of compulsory purchase was a last resort measure. Every effort was being made to protect the existing green space and enhance the open space and that in order to tackle some of the issues experienced by residents it would be necessary for direct intervention measures to be taken. He confirmed that any resident affected by the proposals would be contacted directly prior to any information being released to the public.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the Committee note the progress being made under the ‘Estate Regeneration Programme’ for the Yorke Drive Estate and Lincoln Road playing ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Asset Transfer - Rainworth Village Hall PDF 248 KB Minutes: The Committee considered a report proposing the transfer of Rainworth Village Hall to Rainworth Parish Council under asset transfer powers as detailed in the Council’s Asset Transfer- Corporate Principles Policy.
Rainworth Parish Council would assume freehold ownership of the Hall and continue to work in partnership with the Management Committee to ensure that the village hall continued to serve the community as intended. As part of the process of transfer and at the request of the Parish Council a building condition survey was undertaken to identify building defects requiring rectification. The remedial works highlighted had been undertaken by the District Council as a condition of the Parish accepting the proposed transfer.
Given that such facilities were expensive to manage and maintain it was also proposed that the District Council make available a commuted sum of £50,000 as part of the proposed transfer which it currently held through Section 106 agreements linked to new residential development in Rainworth. The contribution was secured for community facilities in accordance with the Council’s approved Supplementary Planning Document – Developer Contributions specifically intended to support the general improvement of the village hall.
The transfer of the Section 106 monies would be subject to a side agreement detailing the legal obligations that the Parish Council would be required to agree to in order to take receipt of the money which satisfied the Council’s audit responsibilities in respect of the allocation of Section 106 contributions.
All Members agreed that the Local Member for Rainworth North & Rufford, Councillor Mrs L.M.J. Tift, be thanked for her efforts in developing the village hall into the successfully run facility it was today.
A Member expressed some concern as to the relationship between the Parish Council and the Village Hall Management Committee and that there was not a formal agreement between the two parties for the running of the building. The Acting Chief Executive advised that it was usual to have a restrictive covenant in place and that model documentation for an agreement was available if required. The Community Projects Manager advised that the Council would look to build into the transfer robust requirements for the relationship between the two parties.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the proposed transfer of the freehold for Rainworth Village Hall to Rainworth Parish Council, together with a commuted sum of £50,000 from Section 106 Receipts as outlined in paragraph 3.3 and 3.4 be approved; and
(b) the Acting Chief Executive be given delegated authority to effect the transfer. Reason for Recommendations
To ensure that corporate principles are followed to guide the consideration of the transfer of community assets.
Financial Outturn Report to 31 March 2018 PDF 408 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the 2017/18 financial outturn position on the Council’s revenue and capital budgets including details regarding the: General Fund Revenue; Housing Revenue Account; Capital Programme; Provisions and Impaired Estimates on Debtors; Usable Reserves; Collection Fund; Balance Sheet; and Treasury Management.
In noting the information provided in the report a Member queried what the underspend of £0.761m meant in terms of money collected from Council Tax receipts. The Business Manager – Financial Services advised that he would provide the information in a written response.
The Chairman advised that the underspend had not been planned and that the monies would be utilised and invested back into the community.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the final outturn of revenue and capital spending for 2017/18 be approved;
(b) the capital financing proposals as set out in Appendix C, that will be passed to the external auditors as part of the 2017/18 Statement of Accounts, be approved;
(c) the net variations of £6.316m not spent in 2017/18 on the Capital Programme, be re-profiled and carried forward into 2018/19;
(d) the movement in Provisions and Impaired Estimates on Debtors be approved;
(e) the creations of the new reserves, as outlined in paragraph 2.20 to the report, be approved;
(f) the individual contributions to, and withdrawals from, the revenue and capital usable reserves be approved;
(g) the contents of the Pension Fund Actuary Report and the proposed assumptions to be used in the IAS19 pensions report for inclusion in the 2017/18 Statement of Accounts be approved;
(h) the Annual Report on Treasury Management Activity be received, as required by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s Code of Practice on Treasury Management; and
(i) it be noted that Treasury Management activities were consistent with the objectives identified in the Treasury Management Strategy for 2017/18.
Reasons for Recommendations
To approve the Financial Outturn for the Council for the 2017/18 financial year. |
Newark and Sherwood Homes Limited - Remuneration of Board Members PDF 239 KB Minutes: The Committee received a report which considered the payment levels for remuneration of Board Members of the Company.
At its meeting on 10 October 2017, Full Council approved an honorarium payment of £6,500 per annum to the current Chairman of the Board. It also agreed to introduce the facility to make an honorarium payment to other board members to be determined by the Board from time to time and subject to the Council’s approval. Following this approval the Constitution of the Company was changed accordingly.
The Company’s Board had now requested the Council’s approval, as shareholder, to implement an honorarium payment of £2,000 to Board members (excluding the Chair and Vice Chair) and £4,000 per annum to the Vice Chair of the Board. The honorarium would be made available to those wishing to claim it. Honorarium payments to Council Board Members would be subject to the restrictions imposed by the Local Government Companies Order 1995.
AGREED (unanimously) that payment of honoraria to Board members as set out in the body of the report be approved.
Reason for Recommendation
To enable the Company Board Members level of remuneration to be determined. |
Sale of 82 Millgate, Newark PDF 241 KB Minutes: The Committee considered a report regarding 82 Millgate, which was owned by the District Council, held within the Housing Revenue Account and used to provide bed-sit type accommodation for single persons with additional needs. There were six units, of which five were occupied.
The property was managed by Newark and Sherwood Homes, who had undertaken a financial appraisal to look at the future viability of the property. Four options had been identified. After taking into account the higher than average costs associated with managing the building due to its age and type of units, the questions over the suitability of accommodation of this type in this location, it was recommended that the most sustainable option in the management of the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan was disposal on the open market with vacant possession in its current condition.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the proposed disposal of 82 Millgate, Newark be supported; and
(b) existing tenants be consulted over the proposed sale and a report be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee for the outcome of that consultation to be considered and a final decision made concerning the future of the property.
Reason for Recommendations
To effectively manage the Council’s assets to deliver a viable 30 year HRA Business Plan. |
Jubilee Bridge - Newark PDF 253 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report from the Director – Resources/Deputy Chief Executive regarding the cost of maintaining the Millennium Jubilee Bridge for the next 20 years and seeking approval for a general fund capital and revenue budget for 2018/19.
A recent inspection had reported that the bridge was in generally good condition with no significant defects in urgent need of repair. The recommendation was that with a regular maintenance and cleaning regime, structure deterioration would be minimised, thereby avoiding unforeseen major expense items.
It was proposed that the required budget for the current, 2018/19 year of £51,500 would be funded from general fund balances and the on-going annual maintenance costs of £4,300 would be built into the base budget from 2019/20 onwards.
In considering the report a Member queried whether it was possible to transfer the bridge to Newark Town Council (NTC) with an appropriate commuted sum. He also noted the proposed increase in cost for the maintenance of the bridge from that of recent years.
The Acting Chief Executive advised that efforts had been made to transfer the bridge to NTC as part of a devolution deal but that they were not in a position to accept it. Discussions had also been held with Nottinghamshire County Council but they had requested a commuted sum in the order of £430,000 and this was considered too high. Asset Management had also made enquiries as to whether any other organisations would be interested but no expressions of interest had been received.
In relation to the increased cost for maintaining the bridge it was reported that the Parks Team had previously undertaken the maintenance but in order to ensure that future maintenance met with all current health and safety guidance it was deemed necessary for it to be undertaken by experts in that field. Also in the past the maintenance costs had not included sufficient funds to be set aside for future repairs and the proposed budget provision would address this.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) Responsibility for the Millennium Jubilee Bridge be transferred to the Asset Management Team who would make appropriate arrangements in respect of its future inspection, repair and maintenance;
(b) the budget for 2018/19 of £51,500, to be funded from General Fund Balances, be approved; and
(c) the annual maintenance cost of £4,300 be included in the General Fund base budget from 2019/20 onwards.
Reason for Recommendations
The Millennium Jubilee Bridge needs to be maintained for Health and Safety reasons as well as to ensure its longevity.
In order to achieve an appropriate level of inspection and maintenance it is necessary to set aside appropriate budgetary provision for this purpose. |
Tour of Britain 2018 - Budget Request PDF 244 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report regarding the 2018 Tour of Britain. It had been confirmed that Nottinghamshire would host Stage Seven of the Tour, taking in 20 towns and villages within the District. The proposed budget provision would enable the Project Team to improve on the community engagement that was palpable last year thereby promoting the District in the best possible light. This included ensuring that the route was clean and well-presented and that communities were supported and encouraged to mobilise and embrace the event as they did in 2017, which was recognised by the Tour organisers last year as an exceptional effort in Newark & Sherwood.
A Member noted that half of the budget provision requested would be used for a contribution towards partner hosting costs which left a sum of £5,000 for the Project Team towards costs associated with ensuring that exposure opportunities were maximised for the District Council and its communities. The Member suggested that the amount should be increased to £20,000.
The Community Projects Manager stated that the event would be different from the previous year. The increased cost to the Council in the previous year had resulted in funds being requested retrospectively but these had been due to circumstances beyond the control of the Project Team and primarily related to the fact that the closing stage was held within the district. He added that the Project Team had some concerns with the route chosen for September 2018 but that these had been raised with the organisers. It was anticipated that there would be a bigger clear-up needed as the event was to be held at a weekend.
The Chairman stated that the amount of funding requested and available to the Project Team should not include any costs associated with litter clearing following the race and that any further request for funding to cover costs was likely to be favourably considered.
AGREED (with 4 votes for with 2 abstentions) that a budget provision of £10,000 to cover the costs associated with the District Council being a project partner hosting Stage 7 of the 2018 Tour of Britain in Nottinghamshire be approved.
Reason for Recommendation
To ensure suitable budget provision exists to cover all costs associated with staging their part of the 2018 event taking place within the district.
Allocation of Section 106 Funds PDF 243 KB Minutes: The Acting Chief Executive presented a report detailing Section 106 funding received from the Miller Homes development on Newark Road, Ollerton. Ollerton & Boughton Town Council was planning improvements to the play facilities for children and young people on their Whitewater Road open space and had requested that the District Council release s106 funds to the value of £110,000 to allow it to progress this project. The Town Council had consulted with local people about the scheme and the local community had raised funds towards it. The Town Council would also contribute funds from its own budgets.
AGREED (unanimously) that the transfer of the open space Section 106 funds totalling £100,000 arising from AG767b and £10,000 arising from AG884 to Ollerton & Boughton Town Council, subject to an appropriate legal agreement being entered into by the Town Council, be approved.
Reason for Recommendation
To ensure that the S106 funds are spent in an appropriate and timely fashion. |
Lowdham Flood Risk Management Scheme PDF 794 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report regarding a flood risk management scheme at Lowdham. The Homes & Communities Committee had considered the report at their meeting on 11 June 2018 and agreed that the request for funding should be considered by the Policy & Finance Committee.
The village of Lowdham had suffered from repeat flood events in 1999, 2007, 2012 and 2013. The Lowdham Flood Risk Management Scheme aimed to protect up to 200 residential properties at risk of flooding for an estimated investment of £6m.
The Council had a remaining grant funded allocation of £140,000 for ‘Major Flood Alleviation’ within the capital programme and an additional Capital Flooding Defence Reserve of £250,000 set aside. A total of £390,000 was therefore available for allocation.
At the meeting of the Homes & Communities Committee held on 11 June 2018, it was agreed unanimously that the Committee consider committing a level of funding towards the cost of the Lowdham Flood Alleviation Scheme in the region of £200,000 and make a recommendation to the Policy & Finance Committee for that amount to be allocated from the current major flood alleviation scheme included in the District Council’s capital programme. The recommendation took into account other schemes that are currently being investigated and had the possibility of being developed over the next few years, for example, Gunthorpe and Girton. It also took into account the recent flash flooding at Sutton on Trent and any demand this may have on the funding available.
In noting recent flooding events in Egmanton and Sutton-on-Trent a Member queried whether there were any forthcoming schemes for those areas. In response he was advised that the event in Sutton-on-Trent had been flash flooding and that the scheme for Egmanton had been delayed due to issues with the landowners.
The Director – Safety advised that the Environment Agency had a programme of schemes that were currently being worked on but that these would not all receive funding and that any decision in this regard would be dependent on the result of a cost benefit analysis.
AGREED (unanimously) that the allocation of funding towards the cost of the Lowdham Flood Alleviation Scheme up to a maximum of £200,000 be approved.
Reason for Recommendation
The District Council’s funding support will assist the Lowdham Flood Alleviation Scheme to achieve the total funding necessary to make the scheme deliverable. |
Progress Report on the Provision of a Second Pitch at Newark R&M Cricket Club PDF 242 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Acting Chief Executive with regard to progress with the project to provide a second cricket pitch at Newark R&M Cricket Club. The redevelopment of the former RHP Sports and Social Ground resulted in the loss of the cricket pitch and in order to satisfy Sport England’s planning policy requirements it was agreed that a replacement pitch would be provided to mitigate this loss.
Contractors had been appointed to undertake the work which had commenced on Monday, 4 June 2018 at a cost of £89,700.00 inclusive of fees and project contingency and it was anticipated that the main works would be completed by September 2018. Thereafter there would be a one year maintenance period, delivered through the contract, to ensure that the required quality standards for the pitch were achieved.
AGREED that the report be noted.
Reason for Recommendation
To ensure Members are aware of the progress being made in respect of this project. |
Exclusion of Press & Public Minutes: AGREED (unanimously) that under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of this item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act and that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.
Purchase of Additional Parcel of Land from Tarmac Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the exempt report presented by the Acting Chief Executive in relation to the purchase of an additional parcel of land from Tarmac.
(Summary provided in accordance with 100C(2) of the Local Government Act 1972). |
Newark Business Innovation Centre Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the exempt report presented by the Deputy Chief Executive & Director – Resources in relation to Newark Business Innovation Centre.
(Summary provided in accordance with 100C(2) of the Local Government Act 1972).
Urgency Item - Quibells Lane Minutes: AGREED (unanimously) that the urgency item be noted. |