The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager – Housing Options & Safeguarding which provided progress made in considering the options available for improving and sustaining leisure provision in Sherwood.
The report set out the background to the review of leisure centre provision in Sherwood and the objectives of the project. An options appraisal was appended to the report with the three options summarised at paragraph 4.1. Details of the proposals were reported together with a financial appraisal and comments of the Council’s Section 151 Officer.
The matter had been considered by the Leisure & Environment Committee at its meeting held on 26 June 2018 with a recommendation being made to the Policy & Finance Committee not to progress, at the present time, with Option 3 contained within the report. The Leisure & Environment Committee also recommended that approval be given for appropriate land transfers from Nottinghamshire County Council and the Dukeries Academy to the District Council with delegated powers being given to the Director – Customers to effect those transfers, to support the development of sports hub light model linked to the Ollerton & Boughton Neighbourhood Study.
In noting the current swimming provision at Wellow House School, a Member of the Committee, who was also the Local Member for Boughton, commented that there were no changing facilities and also that it was difficult for the public to access a private facility. He suggested that the Dukeries Academy be contacted to ascertain whether it was possible to reactivate the existing swimming facility with a view to the Council taking over responsibility for its operation. The Member therefore suggested that consideration of the matter be deferred to allow those discussions to take place.
In response, another Member of the Committee advised that the Dukeries had taken the decision to close the facility with no consultation or negotiation and had also filled in the swimming pool area so the suggested negotiation to reactive the facility would not be possible. He acknowledged that the provision of a swimming facility was difficult and that it had been unfortunate that the arrangement with the South Forest Leisure facility had not been sustainable. He noted that use of the Wellow House facility had only been in operation for a short time and that it would likely improve. If the Council chose to fund and build a swimming facility in Sherwood it would almost completely wipeout the Council’s available reserves. He stated that it was important that the suggested acquisition of land from Nottinghamshire County Council be progressed, noting that the outcome of the survey had been that residents preference was for outdoor leisure facilities.
AGREED (with 4 votes for and 2 against) that:
(a) Option 3 contained in the report should not be progressed at the present time; and
(b) approval be given for the transfer of land from Nottinghamshire County Council and the Dukeries Academy to the District Council with delegated powers being given to the Director – Customers to effect those transfers, to support the development of a sports hub light model linked to the Ollerton & Boughton Neighbourhood Study.
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