The Committee considered a report providing an update on work being progressed on the Bridge Ward Estate regeneration proposals, further to the Council successfully receiving ‘Capacity and Enabling’ funding through the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s (MHCLG) Estate Regeneration Programme.
In considering the report, the Committee noted the activities being progressed through the ‘Capacity and Enabling’ funding of Estate Regeneration Programme, to meet the timetable set out at paragraph 2.4 and that an indicative funding gap had been identified. Officers were working with Homes England and MHCLG to secure Government finance to bridge this gap to mitigate its potential implications.
Members also considered the proposal to develop rehousing policies giving priority to displaced residents and potential use of Compulsory Purchase powers for residents of properties potentially affected by demolition and redevelopment.
The Local Members for the Bridge Ward, who were in attendance at the meeting, addressed the Committee advising that the workshop held the previous day had been well received. However, residents had expressed some concern that they were unable to have access to a plan for the proposed regeneration scheme as referred to by the Leader of the Council during his interview with Radio Newark. The Local Member addressing the Committee requested that recommendation (c) of the report be amended to remove reference to the possible use of compulsory purchase powers.
The Business Manager – Strategic Housing advised that the reference to the possible use of compulsory purchase powers was in order for the Council to be able to be proactive in developing an appropriate offer for residents who may be affected and for them to have a single point of contact to discuss the matter.
The Director – Safety advised that it was necessary to begin the development of rehousing policies giving priority to displaced residents but that reference to the possible use of compulsory purchase powers could be removed at this stage. She added that the Council wanted the residents to feed into the consultation process and that if they did support the proposals and they came to fruition it would involve the displacement of some residents.
The Chairman clarified that his reference to a plan, when being interviewed by Radio Newark, was in relation to sporting facilities and green space provision and not in relation to housing provision. He stated that it may be necessary for the Council to make difficult decisions in the future but that the use of compulsory purchase was a last resort measure. Every effort was being made to protect the existing green space and enhance the open space and that in order to tackle some of the issues experienced by residents it would be necessary for direct intervention measures to be taken. He confirmed that any resident affected by the proposals would be contacted directly prior to any information being released to the public.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the Committee note the progress being made under the ‘Estate Regeneration Programme’ for the Yorke Drive Estate and Lincoln Road playing field transformational project;
(b) the ongoing funding discussions with Homes England and MHCLG and potential implications in terms of delivery of the project be noted; and
(c) the development of rehousing policies giving priority to displaced residents be approved.
Reason for Recommendations
To progress the key outputs from the Bridge Ward Neighbourhood Study relating to the ‘transformational project’ focussing on the growth and regeneration of the Yorke Drive estate and Lincoln Road playing fields.
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