That Cabinet approve:
a) option 3 as set out in the report, to continue to carry out annual safety inspections and the required remedial maintenance, until the next Principal Bridge Inspection is due in 2030 at a cost of up to £XXXXXX; and
b) the Capital budget be reduced from £333,500 to £XXXXXX which will decommit £XXXXXX from the Asset Maintenance Reserve.
Reason for Decision:
To ensure the bridge remains in a safe condition, the most viable option to the Council, based on the current condition of the bridge.
Options Considered:
Option 1 - Pay Commuted sum to Nottinghamshire County Council to have the bridge adopted and to remove future liability of the bridge from NSDC.
Option 2 - To retain the bridge and to carry out a bridge major refurbishment.
Option 3 - Continue to carry out annual safety inspections, remedial and recommended maintenance, until the next Principal Bridge Inspection is due, 2030.
Option 4 - Close the bridge and decommission