Issue - decisions

Member Information Working Group Recommendations

24/07/2024 - Information Sharing with Elected Members Working Group Outcomes

AGREED      that Cabinet endorse the recommendations of the Working Group as follows:


a)            that the amendment is made to the Council’s website, including a postcode search for ‘find your ward member’.(NB postcode search has now been implemented);


b)            that all elected councillors are automatically signed up to the Council’s Official Newsletters;


c)             the Communications & Marketing Team to set up a further drop-in session for elected councillors to help with social media and Google Alerts;


d)            the posters consistent with the examples circulated at the meetingwill be made available for all elected councillors to use;


e)            that the Democratic Services Team will re advertise the allocated Democratic Services Officer (DSO) list and actively promote the support they can offer to elected councillors; and


f)              that the Power BI system is developed and provided to all councillors and that the system is further developed over time to include other service requests and reports.