Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, NG24 1BY
Contact: Nigel Hill Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest from Members and Officers Minutes: Councillor K Melton declared an other registerable interest in relation to Agenda Item No. 12 – Southwell Leisure Centre Pool Works - as a Trustee of Southwell Leisure Centre, but advised that he did not consider there was any conflict of interest which would prevent him taking part in any debate and vote on the item. |
Notification to those present that the meeting will be recorded and streamed online Minutes: The Leader advised that the proceedings were being audio recorded and live streamed by the Council.
Chair's Update Minutes: The Leader had no update, but Councillor K Melton as the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change took the opportunity to clarify that he had visited the Sheffield Energy Recovery Facility as part of his brief as Portfolio Holder in order to learn about where waste from our District went. |
Corporate Property Overview Additional documents: Decision: AGREED that Cabinet review the report and note the positive impact of the Business Unit on service delivery and financial contribution to the overall budget of the Council. Minutes: The Business Manager – Corporate Property presented a report which provided some background and overview of the changes to the Corporate Property Business Unit over the past five years and detailed the functions performed and latest performance.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet review the report and note the positive impact of the Business Unit on service delivery and financial contribution to the overall budget of the Council.
Reasons for Decision: To inform Members of the wide responsibilities and performance of the Corporate Property Business Unit.
Options Considered: Not applicable, with the report providing an overview of the Corporate Property Business Unit.
Sherwood Avenue Park (Key Decision) Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED that Cabinet:
a) formally supports the development of the scheme as set out in the report and appendices, and in line with the cost plan;
b) agrees that Section 106 monies from the Arkwood development on Lord Hawke Way are allocated to the scheme;
c) approve the Capital Programme budget of £520,400 financed by Section 106, Shared Prosperity Fund, Capital Receipt and Newark Town Council Contribution;
d) supports a short period of public consultation in the new year, to ensure the plans align with community feedback and aspirations for the site; and
e) subject to no material changes being required from the consultation exercise, the scheme and its packages are formally tendered and the scheme is progressed through to delivery. Minutes: The Director – Communities & Environment presented a report which put forward proposals that would lead to significant investment and improvement in Sherwood Avenue Park in Newark. In the absence of the Portfolio Holder, the Director – Communities & Environment read a statement indicating her support for the exciting vision for the park and the excellent partnership work behind the scheme proposals. The concept design and detail were set out in the report and appendices along with the breakdown of the different funding elements.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet:
a) formally supports the development of the scheme as set out in the report and appendices and in line with the cost plan;
b) agrees that Section 106 monies from the Arkwood development on Lord Hawke Way are allocated to the scheme;
c) approve the Capital Programme budget of £520,400 financed by Section 106, Shared Prosperity Fund, Capital Receipt and Newark Town Council Contribution;
d) supports a short period of public consultation in the New Year, to ensure the plans align with community feedback and aspirations for the site; and
e) subject to no material changes being required from the consultation exercise, the scheme and its packages are formally tendered and the scheme is progressed through to delivery.
Reasons for Decision: The recommendations align with the Community Plan objectives in relation to health and wellbeing and the environment and in response to resident feedback as evidenced through the latest resident survey, which placed growing emphasis on parks and play areas. It is also in line with the strategy for increased town centre living, whilst the park and all of its proposed improvements are free to access.
Options Considered: Given the age of the park, its prominence in the town centre and the links to the Council’s Community Plan objectives, doing nothing is not deemed to be a viable alternative. Scope does exist to reduce the scope of the intervention, but this is not deemed desirable given the funding package that has been put together and the community desire for improvement that has been expressed to date.
Infrastructure Funding Statement (Key Decision) Additional documents: Decision: AGREED that Cabinet approve the publication of the Infrastructure Funding Statement, which has been produced in accordance with the legislative requirements, before the end of the calendar year. Minutes: The Business Manager – Planning Policy & Infrastructure presented a report which provided an update on matters set out in the Infrastructure Funding Statement for 2022/23 and sought approval for the publication of the 2023 Statement by the end of the calendar year. The report provided a summary of CIL and developer contributions income and expenditure.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet approve the publication of the Infrastructure Funding Statement, which has been produced in accordance with the legislative requirements, before the end of the calendar year.
Reasons for Decision: To ensure that the District Council is operating in accordance with the requirements of the Community Infrastructure Regulations.
Options Considered: None. There is a requirement to publish the Infrastructure Funding Statement by the end of the calendar year.
Ollerton Town Centre Update and Purchase of Property (Key Decision) Decision: AGREED that Cabinet:
a) note and welcome the progress on the Ollerton Town Centre Regeneration Scheme;
b) note and welcome the Government announcement that the Ollerton Town Centre Regeneration Scheme, along with Clipstone Mansfield Road development, has been identified to benefit from £19,995,358 under the Levelling Up Fund Round 3 (LUF3);
c) delegate to the Director - Resources, in consultation with the Director - Planning & Growth, Business Manager - Corporate Property and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Sustainable Economic Growth, authorisation to negotiate and purchase in accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Acquisitions and Disposals Policy the former Lloyds Bank on Forest Road for the Maximum Offer detailed at paragraph 2.2 of the report and in the Exempt Appendix B;
d) delegate to the Director - Resources, in consultation with the Director - Planning & Growth, Business Manager - Corporate Property and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Sustainable Economic Growth, authorisation to negotiate terms for necessary land assembly and lease deals with the Ollerton Regeneration Partners and prospective tenants, subject to completion of a Full Business Case to be presented to a future Cabinet, which includes Town Council Offices, a piece of brownfield land referred to as the Courtalds site and The Forest Centre;
e) delegate to the Director - Resources, in consultation with the Director - Planning & Growth, Business Manager - Corporate Property and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Sustainable Economic Growth, authority to agree and enter terms with Government to access the £19,995,358 LUF3 Funds, including any further updates that may be required for the LUF3 projects given the time elapsed between the bid and confirmation of success;
f) agree additional revenue budget of £150,000 from the change management reserve in 2023/24 to allow acceleration of feasibility design work in advance of receipt of LUF3 funding, with delegation to the Director - Planning & Growth, in consultation with the Business Manager - Corporate Property and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Sustainable Economic Growth;
g) request a future update to Cabinet, including timetable for submission of a planning application and development of final Business Case; and
h) request update report(s) following all negotiations to seek approval for future capital budget requirements. Minutes: The Director – Planning & Growth presented a report which updated the Cabinet on the progress of the Ollerton Town Centre Regeneration Scheme including land acquisition and funding updates given the recent announcements regarding the national Levelling Up Fund Round 3. The Cabinet welcomed this funding and how the scheme had evolved to likely uses including a library, public sector hub, a cinema, housing, business and commercial space and a transport and mobility hub.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet:
a) note and welcome the progress on the Ollerton Town Centre Regeneration Scheme;
b) note and welcome the Government announcement that the Ollerton Town Centre Regeneration Scheme, along with Clipstone Mansfield Road development, has been identified to benefit from £19,995,358 under the Levelling Up Fund Round 3 (LUF3);
c) delegate to the Director - Resources, in consultation with the Director - Planning & Growth, Business Manager - Corporate Property and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Sustainable Economic Growth, authorisation to negotiate and purchase in accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Acquisitions and Disposals Policy the former Lloyds Bank on Forest Road for the Maximum Offer detailed at paragraph 2.2 of the report and in the Exempt Appendix B;
d) delegate to the Director - Resources, in consultation with the Director - Planning & Growth, Business Manager - Corporate Property and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Sustainable Economic Growth, authorisation to negotiate terms for necessary land assembly and lease deals with the Ollerton Regeneration Partners and prospective tenants, subject to completion of a Full Business Case to be presented to a future Cabinet, which includes Town Council Offices, a piece of brownfield land referred to as the Courtalds site and The Forest Centre;
e) delegate to the Director - Resources, in consultation with the Director - Planning & Growth, Business Manager - Corporate Property and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Sustainable Economic Growth, authority to agree and enter terms with Government to access the £19,995,358 LUF3 Funds, including any further updates that may be required for the LUF3 projects given the time elapsed between the bid and confirmation of success;
f) agree additional revenue budget of £150,000 from the change management reserve in 2023/24 to allow acceleration of feasibility design work in advance of receipt of LUF3 funding, with delegation to the Director - Planning & Growth, in consultation with the Business Manager - Corporate Property and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Sustainable Economic Growth;
g) request a future update to Cabinet, including timetable for submission of a planning application and development of final Business Case; and
h) request update report(s) following all negotiations to seek approval for future capital budget requirements.
Reasons for Decision: To allow progression, at pace, the development of the LUF 3 Ollerton Town Centre Regeneration Scheme with the Ollerton Development Partners and prospective tenants, including all necessary land deals, such that the Council can provide appropriate updates and implementation timelines to Government in order to access the LUF 3 funding.
Options ... view the full minutes text for item 72. |
Planning Development - Planning Application Budget Decision: AGREED to increase the Planning Development staffing budget to £1,023,170 based on forecast planning fee income to £1,031,700 from 2024/25. Minutes: The Director – Planning & Growth presented a report which provided an update on the Planning Development Business Unit in terms of the emerging legislative and operational service challenges, the planning fee increase effective as from 6 December 2023, and proposals for an increased staffing budget to build in greater capacity, including the creation of an Assistant Director post.
AGREED (unanimously) to increase the Planning Development staffing budget to £1,023,170 based on forecast planning fee income to £1,031,700 from 2024/25.
Reasons for Decision: To enable the Planning Development Business Unit to review resources in order to implement some of the many changes resulting from legislation and the actions identified within the Community Plan – both directly for the service as well as actions for other departments that require our resources.
Options Considered: There is an option to do nothing but this is not considered viable given the current pressures on the service.
Damp and Mould Policy (Key Decision) Additional documents: Decision: AGREED that Cabinet endorse the Damp & Mould Policy for approval as recommended by the Local Influence Network Chairs.
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Business Manager – Housing Maintenance & Asset Management presented a report which set out and sought approval for a Damp & Mould Policy which set out the Council’s approach to tackling and preventing damp and mould in Council owned homes. It was noted that the Policy Performance & Improvement Committee and the Tenant Engagement Board had both recommended approval of the policy.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet endorse the Damp & Mould Policy for approval as recommended by the Local Influence Network Chairs.
Reasons for Decision: As detailed in the report, to meet legislative requirements and adhere to guidance and regulations.
Options Considered: There are no viable alternatives and taking no action would mean failure to meet our regulatory requirement to ensure that we have measures in place to appropriately tackle cases of damp and mould and keep tenants safe in their homes.
Building Safety in the Home Policy (Key Decision) Additional documents: Decision: AGREED that Cabinet endorse the Building Safety in the Home Policy for approval as recommended by the Local Influence Network Chairs. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Housing and the Business Manager – Housing Maintenance & Asset Management presented a report which set out and sought approval for a Building Safety in the Home Policy which set out how tenants and leaseholders in Council owned homes can raise safety concerns and the Council’s responsibilities to keep homes warm, safe and decent. It was noted that the Policy Performance & Improvement Committee and the Tenant Engagement Board had both recommended approval of the policy.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet endorse the Building Safety in the Home Policy for approval as recommended by the Local Influence Network Chairs.
Reasons for Decision: The Policy supports the Council’s Community Plan to create more and better quality homes through our roles as landlord, developer and planning authority.
Options Considered: There were no viable alternatives and taking no action would mean failure to meet our regulatory requirement to ensure that we have measures in place to keep tenants safe in their homes.
Southwell Leisure Centre Pool Works (Key Decision)
Decision: AGREED that Cabinet: a) note the progress of works to the dry side;
b) approve the continued closure of the main pool;
c) approve the additional revenue budget of £12,300 from the Change Management Reserve to fund the engineered solution to safeguard the structure of the main pool as set out in section 2.5(d) of the report;
d) note that the learner pool would continue to operate;
e) note the continued arrangements to support users of Southwell main pool to swim at other venues;
f) approve in principle, the option of developing a new swimming facility (main pool, teaching pool plus associated changing facilities) on land adjacent to the current Southwell leisure centre, as set out in section 2.5(c)(2) of the report subject to detailed feasibility being undertaken and agreement of land transfer with the current landowner(s); a further report being brought back to Cabinet for approval as soon as practicable;
g) approve the capital budget of £5.5m financed by borrowing for the estimated build cost of the replacement pools as set out in 2.5(c)(2) of the report noting that reports will be brought to Cabinet on revised estimated costs as the feasibility project progresses;
h) approve a revenue budget of £25,000 from the Capital Feasibility Reserve to carry out design works to RIBA Stage1 for a new Leisure Centre which incorporates the new pool building; the design works to be procured on in principle agreement of land transfer to the Council; and
i) request officers to work up options, costings and methods of finance for the replacement pools to form part of aspirations for a wider development of a new leisure centre on the site, in conjunction with partners and relevant landowners.
Minutes: The Business Manager – Corporate Property presented a report which provided the Cabinet with an update on the outcome of the investigation works to the main pool and a summary of the repair and replacement options with costs, and an update on the works being carried out to the ‘dry side’ of the centre.
During the closure of the main pool water level measurements were recorded and the findings showed a sizeable leak with a water loss which was beyond the average for the type and size of pool by an extreme margin. Therefore, operating the main pool was considered viable. The pool leak remediation options were set out in paragraph 2.5 of the report.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet:
a) note the progress of works to the dry side;
b) approve the continued closure of the main pool;
c) approve the additional revenue budget of £12,300 from the Change Management Reserve to fund the engineered solution to safeguard the structure of the main pool as set out in section 2.5(d) of the report;
d) note that the learner pool would continue to operate;
e) note the continued arrangements to support users of Southwell main pool to swim at other venues;
f) approve, in principle, the option of developing a new swimming facility (main pool, teaching pool plus associated changing facilities) on land adjacent to the current Southwell leisure centre, as set out in section 2.5(c)(2) of the report subject to detailed feasibility being undertaken and agreement of land transfer with the current landowner(s); a further report being brought back to Cabinet for approval as soon as practicable;
g) approve the capital budget of £5.5m financed by borrowing for the estimated build cost of the replacement pools as set out in 2.5(c)(2) of the report noting that reports will be brought to Cabinet on revised estimated costs as the feasibility project progresses;
h) approve a revenue budget of £25,000 from the Capital Feasibility Reserve to carry out design works to RIBA Stage1 for a new Leisure Centre which incorporates the new pool building; the design works to be procured on in principle agreement of land transfer to the Council; and
i) request officers to work up options, costings and methods of finance for the replacement pools to form part of aspirations for a wider development of a new leisure centre on the site, in conjunction with partners and relevant landowners.
Reasons for Decision: To provide a long-term, value for money solution for the provision of swimming and other leisure centre activities at Southwell.
Options Considered: The four possible alternative options were detailed in full in section 2.5 of the report.
CCTV System Review (Key Decision) Decision: AGREED that Cabinet approve:
a) the CCTV replacement scheme as set out in Appendix 1 to the report;
b) the recommendation for all CCTV cameras moving forward to become in the full ownership of NSDC as detailed in paragraph 2.2 of the report;
c) the continuation of NSDC’s membership in the CCTV partnership;
d) the creation of a CCTV Project to undertake a detailed feasibility exercise to provide a full business case on the possibility of bringing CCTV in house; and
e) the allocation and draw down of £8,200 from the Capital Feasibilities Reserve to be allocated to the CCTV Revenue Cost Centre. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Public Protection & Community Relations and Business Manager – Public Protection presented a report which sought approval of the recommendations proposed following the Member review of the Council’s CCTV systems. The report provided a detailed picture of what CCTV systems the Council held and made recommendations based on the findings of the ASB Policy & Performance Improvement working group which were first presented to the Cabinet on 21 February 2023.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet approve:
a) the CCTV replacement scheme as set out in Appendix 1 to the report;
b) the recommendation for all CCTV cameras moving forward to become in the full ownership of NSDC as detailed in paragraph 2.2 of the report;
c) the continuation of NSDC’s membership in the CCTV partnership;
d) the creation of a CCTV Project to undertake a detailed feasibility exercise to provide a full business case on the possibility of bringing CCTV in house; and
e) the allocation and draw down of £8,200 from the Capital Feasibilities Reserve to be allocated to the CCTV Revenue Cost Centre.
Reasons for Decision: To enhance the Council’s management of their CCTV systems in addition to improving and updating our coverage across the district in line with the Community Plan objective of maximise the use and effectiveness of CCTV to deter crime and bring offenders to justice.
Options Considered: To continue with the current CCTV partnership accepting that the Council will continue to share Control Room resources with partners and the service level will remain as now.
To delay the replacement programme until cameras fail beyond economic repair.