Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, NG24 1BY
Contact: Nigel Hill Email: 01636 655243
No. | Item |
Notification to those present that the meeting will be recorded and streamed online Minutes: The Leader advised that the proceedings were being audio and video recorded which would be published on the website post meeting, as an issue with You Tube had meant that live streaming was not possible.
Declarations of Interest from Members and Officers Minutes: Councillor L Brazier declared an Other Registerable Interest in Agenda Item No. 6 – Grant Agreements - as a Trustee of Newark & Sherwood CVS and also in Agenda Item No. 9 – Sherwood Levelling Up – Ollerton and Clipstone as an Ollerton & Boughton Town Councillor.
Councillors S Crosby, M Spoors and P Taylor declared Other Registerable Interests in those items where Newark Town Council was referenced, given their roles as Newark Town Councillors. |
Minutes from the previous meeting held on 14 May 2024 Minutes: The minutes from the meeting held on 14 May 2024 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Grant Agreements (Key Decision) Additional documents: Decision: That Cabinet approves the recommendations of the Policy & Performamnce Improvemenrt Committee to:
a) move to three-year grant agreements for the charities listed in section 2.2 of the report; and b) apply a 3% inflationary increase in years two and three of the grant agreements detailed in section 2.2 of the report. Minutes: The Business Manager – Regeneration and Housing Strategy presented a report which updated Cabinet on the review of grant funding arrangements undertaken by the Policy and Performance Improvement Committee and the recommendations which had been made.
The Policy and Performance Improvement Committee had recommended a move to a three year funding agreement for Citizens Advice Sherwood and Newark; Home Start Newark and Sherwood; Newark and Sherwood CVS; The Furniture Project; and Live and Local. The Committee also recommended that the Council ceases to fund Notts and Lincs Credit Union and Newark and Sherwood Community Hub.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet approves the recommendations of the Policy & Performance Improvement Committee to:
a) move to three-year grant agreements for the charities listed in section 2.2 of the report; and
b) apply a 3% inflationary increase in years two and three of the grant agreements detailed in section 2.2 of the report.
Reasons for Decision: Ceasing funding to these charities would cause a significant detriment to the service users and would also place additional pressure on the charities themselves (to cover their overheads), and the council and other service providers where gaps in service provision appear.
Due to the diverse range of charities supported, there is a positive contribution across the whole community plan, including but not limited to: health and wellbeing, heritage and culture, housing and community spirit and pride of place.
Options considered: The Policy & Performance Improvement Committee reviewed in detail the range of regular grant agreements in place with charities to determine whether the council was achieving value for money and could demonstrate impact and delivery of wider outcomes.
The alternative, of ceasing grant funding to charities was considered but it was also considered that the Community Plan can only be achieved by working in partnership with others and at a variety of different levels – sometimes street based, sometimes regionally, nationally and internationally.
Proposal to Site the 'Kiddey Stones' at Castle House Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet:
a) approve, in principle, the design and location of the Kiddey Stones to be installed at Castle House, Newark;
b) support a period of public consultation on the proposals to enable residents and stakeholders to have their views on the plans, including the Town Council in whose ownership the stones are in; and
c) agree that a report is brought back to Cabinet in September 2024 to formally endorse the scheme or otherwise with a budget to be included in the Council’s capital programme. Minutes: The Director – Communities & Environment presented a report which put forward a proposal for the Cabinet to consider that could see work by the sculptor, Robert Kiddey, put on public view for the first time in 40 years, as part of plans to create a new art trail in Newark and beyond.
The Kiddey stone tablets had been stored at Newark Cemetery for many years. The Community Plan referenced a desire to increase the quality and quantity of public art in the District so it was considered that putting the stones on display would be a practical expression of that commitment and it could also mark the start of a new art trail around Newark town centre with more objects held by the Council being put on public display. The preferred option was for the stones to be placed outside Castle House. The cost to deliver the scheme was forecast at £81,240.
AGREED (with 8 votes for and 1 against) that Cabinet:
a) approve, in principle, the design and location of the Kiddey Stones to be installed at Castle House, Newark;
b) support a period of public consultation on the proposals to enable residents and stakeholders to have their views on the plans, including the Town Council in whose ownership the stones are in; and
c) agree that a report is brought back to Cabinet in September 2024 to formally endorse the scheme or otherwise with a budget to be included in the Council’s capital programme.
Reasons for Decision: The recommendations align with the Community Plan objectives in relation to heritage and culture, particularly the specific actions around increasing the quantity and quality of public art in the district.
Options considered: The Kiddey Stones are part of Newark’s heritage. For around 40 years they have been under tarpaulin in the town’s cemetery. Without funding and a suitable location to site the stones, it is highly likely they will continue to remain away from public view. However, it is an option not to invest in the project.
Biodiversity Report - First Consideration (Key Decision) Decision: That Cabinet approves publication of the presented Biodiversity Report – First Consideration with finalised agreed actions to then be brought back to Cabinet for approval within 3 months of publication of the First Consideration report. Minutes: The Biodiversity & Ecology Lead Officer presented a report which set out proposed actions as a first consideration as to how the Council might meet its statutory biodiversity duty as set in legislation. The proposal was for the biodiversity duty ‘first consideration’ to be the document forming Appendix A to the report. The proposed future actions were summarised in the report.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet approves publication of the presented Biodiversity Report – First Consideration with finalised agreed actions to then be brought back to Cabinet for approval within 3 months of publication of the First Consideration report.
Reasons for Decision: Publication of the Biodiversity Report – First Consideration is recommended as this is a statutory requirement.
Publication of the report does not commit the Council to the proposed actions within the report. Government expects actions to be finalised and agreed as soon as possible after publication of the report.
The proposed actions have been given careful consideration to ensure that they are sufficiently exhaustive, proportionate and realistically deliverable. Consequently, it is considered that finalising and agreeing proposed actions within the recommended 3 months from publication of the report is an appropriate time scale.
The Biodiversity Report – First Consideration represents a framework for the Biodiversity Strategy which is a key objective of the Community Plan.
Options considered: Not applicable, the First Consideration report is a statutory requirement.
Sherwood Levelling Up 3 - Update 2 - Ollerton and Clipstone (Key Decision) Decision: That Cabinet approve the following recommendations:
Ollerton a) to forward fund a £35,000 budget associated with the LUF 3 funding to enable ongoing timely delivery of programme work streams including legal costs. This budget can be financed by the Capital Feasibility Reserve in advance of the LUF3 MoU with government, at which time the costs can be moved to the approved Capital scheme and the reserve be replenished;
b) to agree for £20,909,757 to be added to the capital programme alongside the existing Exempt Approved Budget previously agreed by the Cabinet on 26 March 2024 to acquire the bank, financed in accordance with proposed sources of funding in accordance with the financial implications set out;
c) Note the financial gap of £832,758 that is included within the £20,909,757 above, and that this be financed by borrowing as detailed in the financial implications in the report;
d) to provide delegated authority to the Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance in consultation with the Director - Resources, Director - Planning & Growth, Business Manager - Corporate Property and Portfolio Holder Sustainable Economic Growth, to approve the Green Book Final Business Case (FBC), subject to: · the project being within the approved Capital Program budget of £20,909,757, (alongside the existing previous Exempt budget to acquire the bank); and · receipt of £14,995,999 of LUF3 Grant; and · the value of the required land transfers (paragraph 3.6 of the report); · a £3m contribution from NCC; and · a £1.106m grant from the Brownfield Land Release Fund (BLRF)
e) to authorise the Director – Resources to secure all tenants for the development, subject to commercial terms and any appropriate tenant incentivisation’s, subject to meeting budget detailed at b) and d) above;
f) to delegate to the Director - Resources, in consultation with the Director - Planning & Growth, Business Manager - Corporate Property and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Sustainable Economic Growth, authorisation to submit a planning application, subject to meeting budget detailed at b) and d) above;
g) to delegate to the Director – Resources and S151 Officer, in consultation with the Director - Planning & Growth, authorisation, subject to securing planning permission, to enter into any S106 agreement with NCC (who will be the enforcing body), along with any other necessary legal requirements as part of the planning process, subject to meeting budget at b) and d) above;
h) to delegate to the Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Performance & Finance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder Sustainable Economic Growth, the Director – Resources and Director - Planning & Growth, authority to purchase in accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Acquisitions and Disposals Policy the required land holdings from Ollerton & Boughton Town Centre and Johal Ltd), subject to budget at b) and d) above; i) to delegate to the Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Performance & Finance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Economic Development, the Director – Resources and Director - Planning & Growth, authority to dispose of any commercial units to Johal Ltd ... view the full decision text for item 141. Minutes: The Director – Planning & Growth presented a report which provided a comprehensive update on the progress of the Levelling Up Fund 3 (LUF 3) programme for the two place projects at Ollerton Town Centre and Mansfield Road, Clipstone, including funding and Full Business Cases development and the critical path for planning application submissions. It was noted that some of the financial elements redacted in the report given their commercial sensitivity were set out in an exempt appendix.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet approve the following recommendations:
Ollerton a) to forward fund a £35,000 budget associated with the LUF 3 funding to enable ongoing timely delivery of programme work streams including legal costs. This budget can be financed by the Capital Feasibility Reserve in advance of the LUF3 MoU with government, at which time the costs can be moved to the approved Capital scheme and the reserve be replenished;
b) to agree for £20,909,757 to be added to the capital programme alongside the existing Exempt Approved Budget previously agreed by the Cabinet on 26 March 2024 to acquire the bank, financed in accordance with proposed sources of funding in accordance with the financial implications set out;
c) Note the financial gap of £832,758 that is included within the £20,909,757 above, and that this be financed by borrowing as detailed in the financial implications in the report;
d) to provide delegated authority to the Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance in consultation with the Director - Resources, Director - Planning & Growth, Business Manager - Corporate Property and Portfolio Holder Sustainable Economic Growth, to approve the Green Book Final Business Case (FBC), subject to: · the project being within the approved Capital Program budget of £20,909,757, (alongside the existing previous Exempt budget to acquire the bank); and · receipt of £14,995,999 of LUF3 Grant; and · the value of the required land transfers (paragraph 3.6 of the report); · a £3m contribution from NCC; and · a £1.106m grant from the Brownfield Land Release Fund (BLRF)
e) to authorise the Director – Resources to secure all tenants for the development, subject to commercial terms and any appropriate tenant incentivisation’s, subject to meeting budget detailed at b) and d) above;
f) to delegate to the Director - Resources, in consultation with the Director - Planning & Growth, Business Manager - Corporate Property and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Sustainable Economic Growth, authorisation to submit a planning application, subject to meeting budget detailed at b) and d) above;
g) to delegate to the Director – Resources and S151 Officer, in consultation with the Director - Planning & Growth, authorisation, subject to securing planning permission, to enter into any S106 agreement with NCC (who will be the enforcing body), along with any other necessary legal requirements as part of the planning process, subject to meeting budget at b) and d) above;
h) to delegate to the Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Performance & Finance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder Sustainable Economic Growth, the Director – ... view the full minutes text for item 141. |
A46 Newark Bypass (Key Decision) Decision: That Cabinet:
a) note the update provided in the report and the role of the Planning Committee and Director – Planning & Growth in responding on behalf of the Council as Local Planning Authority; and b) authorise delegated authority to the Director of Resources/Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Performance & Finance and the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Economic Development, to issue consultation responses in relation to the Council’s interests as affected landowner and any other executive functions if required, on behalf of the Council to the Development Consent Order process, with any final financial and/or physical works settlement to be brought back to Cabinet. Minutes: The Director – Planning & Growth presented a report which provided an update on the A46 Newark Bypass, including the decision-making process for the project as one of several Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects the Council would be involved with in the coming years. The report also set out the process for the Development Consent Order required and the associated role for the local planning authority, and the consequential impacts for the Council as landowner along the preferred A46 route.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet:
a) note the update provided in the report and the role of the Planning Committee and Director – Planning & Growth in responding on behalf of the Council as Local Planning Authority; and
b) authorise delegated authority to the Director of Resources/Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Strategy, Performance & Finance and the Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Economic Development, to issue consultation responses in relation to the Council’s interests as affected landowner and any other executive functions if required, on behalf of the Council to the Development Consent Order process, with any final financial and/or physical works settlement to be brought back to Cabinet.
Reasons for Decision: To keep Members updated on the A46 Bypass proposals and the requirements upon the Council to respond as both Local Planning Authority and affected landowner.
Options considered: The A46 Newark Bypass proposals have long been an important aspiration of the Government’s National Road Investment Strategy (RIS), an aspiration supported by a raft of partners including this Council, Midlands Connect, Nottinghamshire County Council, Lincolnshire County Council, and a number of highway, LEP and Local Planning Authorities from the Humber Ports to Tewkesbury. There is no alternative but for this Council to engage, both as Local Planning Authority and affected landowner.
Options available to the Council as landowner as explored further in the report.
Statement of Community Involvement (Key Decision) Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet:
a) note the consultation responses in Appendix 1 to the report;
b) note and endorse the District Council responses in section 1 of the report; and
c) formally adopt the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) set out inAppendix 2 to the report. Minutes: The Business Manager – Planning Policy & Infrastructure presented a report which sought formal adoption of the Statement of Community Involvement following the public consultation process undertaken given proposed changes to the Statement to address that public speaking at the Planning Committee had been permitted. The consultation responses received were set out in Appendix 1 to the report and the Council’s responses to those and any required amendments to the Statement were detailed in the report.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet:
a) note the consultation responses in Appendix 1to the report;
b) note and endorse the District Council responses in section 1 of the report; and
c) formally adopt the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) set out inAppendix 2 to the report.
Reasons for Decision: To ensure that the District Council is operating in accordance with the requirements of the SCI.
Options considered: As public speaking has been agreed, not updating the SCI to reflect this would not be appropriate.
220 - 224 London Road, Balderton - Options Appraisal (Key Decision) Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet:
a) approve the proposal as set out in Option 3 – the sale of the properties;
b) approve the progression of the sale in line with the Acquisitions & Disposals Policy; and c) approve the reinvestment of the capital receipt in provision of new homes. Minutes: The Business Manager – Housing Maintenace & Asset Management presented a report which presented the options appraisal for three Housing Revenue Account properties, 220-224 London Road following ongoing challenges with property condition and cost to remediate. The three options available to the Cabinet were detailed in full in the report and were to complete the extensive repair works required; to rebuild the properties; or to sell the properties in accordance with the Council’s Acquisitions and Disposals Policy. Given the analysis in the report and the outline costs of the options considered and financial appraisal, the Cabinet supported the option to sell the properties.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet:
a) approve the proposal as set out in Option 3 – the sale of the properties;
b) approve the progression of the sale in line with the Acquisitions & Disposals Policy; and
c) approve the reinvestment of the capital receipt in provision of new homes.
Reasons for Decision: To ensure both value for money and ensuring that homes are decent, warm and safe. The capital from disposal of these homes will be reinvested in new homes.
The proposal links to Objective 2 of the Community Plan, to increase the supply, choice and standard of housing.
Options considered: Retain the properties and invest to bring the homes up to standard.
Homes for Ukraine and Local Authority Housing Fund Update Decision: That Cabinet note the content of the report and the achievements highlighted. Minutes: The Assistant Business Manager – Housing & Estate Management presented a report which provided an update on the Homes for Ukraine scheme and the achievements of the Local Authority Housing Fund. Since the Homes for Ukraine scheme commenced, the Council had assisted 181 individuals or groups into hosted placements and under the Local Authority Housing Fund the Council had secured grant funding to enable the delivery of 14 homes with match funding.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet note the content of the report and the achievements highlighted.
Reasons for Decision: This is an update report displaying the outcomes that have been achieved as part of this delivery programme.
Aligning to 24/27 Community Plan objectives:
· Increase the supply, choice, and standard of housing. · Raise peoples’ skills levels and create employment opportunities for the to fulfil their potential. · To be a top performing, modern and accessible Council.
Options considered: Not applicable, the report is for noting only.
Swimming Pool Support Fund Capital Grant Award Decision: That Cabinet:
a) agree to utilise the capital grant of £61,356 awarded to progress the implementation of LED lighting upgrades and new pool covers at Newark Sports & Fitness Centre, and b) add a budget of up to £71,356 to the Council’s Capital programme, financed by the SPSF grant of £61,356 and up to £10,000 from Repairs & Renewals in order that the works can proceed. Minutes: The Business Manager – Regeneration & Housing Strategy presented a report which sought Cabinet approval to utilise the capital grant awarded to the District Council through the Sport England Swimming Pool Support Fund (SPSF) Phase 2 Programme to enable the energy efficiency improvements works planned for Newark Sports & Fitness Centre to be implemented.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet:
a) agree to utilise the capital grant of £61,356 awarded to progress the implementation of LED lighting upgrades and new pool covers at Newark Sports & Fitness Centre; and
b) add a budget of up to £71,356 to the Council’s Capital programme, financed by the SPSF grant of £61,356 and up to £10,000 from Repairs & Renewals in order that the works can proceed.
Reasons for Decision: To proposal will make a positive contribution to the Council’s Community Plan 2023 – 2027 - Object 6 – ‘Reduce the Impact of Climate Change’.
Options considered: The grant secured will enable the proposed works to be delivered in a timely manner, will reduce the leisure centres operating costs and reduce its carbon emissions accordingly.