Venue: Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, NG24 1BY. View directions
Contact: Nigel Hill Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest from Members and Officers Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Notification to those present that the meeting will be recorded and streamed online Minutes: The Deputy Leader and Chairman for the meeting advised that the proceedings were being audio recorded and live streamed by the Council.
Minutes from the previous meeting held on 4 October 2022 Minutes: The minutes from the meeting held on 4 October 2022 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Chairman's Update Minutes: The Deputy Leader and Chairman reflected on the recent news regarding Robert Woodhead Construction Limited which had ceased trading and extended his sympathies to all those affected. He advised that Robert Woodhead had been working with the Council building 39 homes across 7 sites, all of which were at various stages of completion and he confirmed the Council had plans in place to make sure those homes were completed with minimal disruption. In addition, Arkwood Developments had been working with Robert Woodhead on their housing development at Bowbridge Road, Newark and they were in the process of appointing a new contractor to complete the remaining homes. |
Executive Shareholder Committee Decision: AGREED that Cabinet establish an ‘Executive Shareholder Committee’ in accordance with the proposals contained in Section 2 of the report. Minutes: The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Organisational Development and Governance presented a report which sought to establish an Executive Shareholder Committee which would have oversight of the two Council owned companies, Active4Today and Arkwood Developments. The Committee would have the same composition as the Cabinet, meeting approximately once per quarter. The remit and Terms of Reference for the Committee were detailed in the report.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet establish an Executive Shareholder Committee in accordance with the proposals contained in Section 2 of the report.
Reasons for Decision
To ensure appropriate decision making in respect of the two Council wholly owned companies.
Options Considered
The Cabinet could have taken decisions in relation to the two companies within their usual meetings, but it was considered having a separate committee for this would enable full and proper consideration of company matters separate from other Council business. |
Community Grant Scheme Awards Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED that:
(a) the recommendations of the Portfolio Holders as detailed in Appendices A and B of the report be agreed in order that the proposed projects can proceed;
(b) the extant awards under the former Parish and Town Council Initiative Fund in Appendix A are approved as recommended; and the recommendations of the Portfolio Holders detailed in Appendix B be approved as proposed; and
(c) officers be requested to consider and report back to the Cabinet on what additional support we could offer to community groups. Minutes: The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Organisational Development and Governance presented a report detailing recommendations made by relevant Portfolio Holders in respects of grant applications submitted under the District Council’s Community Grant Scheme and recommendations for the extant awards under the former Parish and Town Council’s Initiative Fund.
It was noted that following the launch of the new Community Grant Scheme, 21 applications were received for the first round and 20 were approved by the Cabinet at their meeting held on 12 July 2022, with the awards totalling £73,543. A further 14 applications had been received for this second round of the scheme, which totalled £55,959 which would effectively create an overspend of £29,902.
Each application had been considered by the relevant Portfolio Holder based on the primary focus of the proposals, and the recommendation for each submission was presented to the Cabinet for approval. In considering the applications the Portfolio Holders were mindful of the available budget and made a number of partial awards towards projects which reduced any overspend to £2,619.
AGREED (with 4 votes for an 1 abstention) that:
(a) the recommendations of the Portfolio Holders as detailed in Appendices A and B of the report be agreed in order that the proposed projects can proceed;
(b) the extant awards under the former Parish and Town Council Initiative Fund in Appendix A are approved as recommended; and the recommendations of the Portfolio Holders detailed in Appendix B be approved as proposed; and
(c) officers be requested to consider and report back to the Cabinet on what additional support we could offer to community groups.
Reasons for Decision
The schemes have been assessed by Portfolio Holders and Members in respect of alignment to the Council’s wider ‘Community Plan’ objectives and each will provide community value and benefit when delivered.
The extant awards approved under the former Parish and Town Council’s Initiative Fund remain important community projects, therefore offering an extension of time to deliver the projects is appropriate.
The schemes submitted under Round 2 of the Community Grant Scheme as recommended will deliver valuable community benefits aligned to the current approved Community Plan objectives.
Options Considered That the awards as recommended are increased which would require further additional budget provision or the awards are further reduced proportionately to meet the available budget. |
Decision: AGREED that Cabinet:
(a) note and support the updates with respect of the Sherwood Levelling Up Fund proposals submitted to Government as part of the Sherwood Constituency LUF Round 2;
(b) authorise the Director - Planning & Growth, in consultation with the Sherwood Steering Board and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Economic Development & Visitors, to continue to develop plans for the Clipstone and Ollerton projects, subject to additional budget of £60k to be forward-funded pending the approval of the NSDC UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan, subject to endorsement by the Newark & Sherwood Place Board; and
(c) authorise the Business Manager - Corporate Property to progress redevelopment plans for the Clipstone Holdings site to provide for a low carbon, low-running cost modern industrial scheme, including securing necessary planning permission and contractor(s) within the maximum budget envelope contained within the exempt appendix, which shall be added to the Council’s Capital Programme. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development & Visitors presented a report which provided an update on the Sherwood Levelling Up Fund (LUF) submission and sought approval to proceed with plans to redevelop the Clipstone Holdings site and to seek financial commitments towards the further development of the Ollerton and Clipstone LUF proposals.
The Sherwood LUF prospectus, developed in association with the Sherwood Steering Board and a range of partners, was submitted to the Government on 25th July 2022. The proposals sought £20m of grant funding across projects in Ollerton Town Centre and Mansfield Road, Clipstone as detailed in the report. It was envisaged the outcome of LUF Round 2 bids would be known in October/November 2022. The report recommended that work on the Ollerton and Clipstone proposals continued and in the absence of any LUF funding the Council utilises the UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan funding.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet:
(a) note and support the updates with respect of the Sherwood Levelling Up Fund proposals submitted to Government as part of the Sherwood Constituency LUF Round 2;
(b) authorise the Director - Planning & Growth, in consultation with the Sherwood Steering Board and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Economic Development & Visitors, to continue to develop plans for the Clipstone and Ollerton projects, subject to additional budget of £60k to be forward-funded pending the approval of the NSDC UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan, subject to endorsement by the Newark & Sherwood Place Board; and
(c) authorise the Business Manager - Corporate Property to progress redevelopment plans for the Clipstone Holdings site to provide for a low carbon, low-running cost modern industrial scheme, including securing necessary planning permission and contractor(s) within the Maximum Budget envelope contained within the exempt appendix, which shall be added to the Council’s Capital Programme.
Reason for Decision
The Sherwood Levelling Up proposals continue to represent an opportunity to act as catalysts for transformational change in tackling ongoing challenges of creating new employment opportunities, health inequality, lower pay, raising aspiration, and transport connectivity, in line with the Council’s Community Plan and Sherwood LUF submission.
Options Considered
It remains an option to pause the progression of the Sherwood Levelling Up propriety projects in Clipstone and Ollerton. This has been discounted on the basis that irrespective of the outcome or timings of the LUF announcements there remains merit in continuing to engage with the partners involved to develop the schemes further such that they are funding ready.
The Council could also decide not to redevelop the Clipstone Holdings site at the current time, albeit as detailed separately in the main report and exempt appendix the redevelopment of this site is needed in order to provide modern, low carbon, low running-cost facilities to meet a significant unmet demand, allowing businesses of various scales to establish, relocate, expand, stabilise, and flourish. |
Additional documents: Decision: AGREED that:
(a) the proposals contained within Appendix 1 form the basis of the Publication Amended Allocations & Development Management DPD and amended Policies Map;
(b) approval be sought from Full Council (at the Extraordinary Meeting to be held on 9 November 2002) for this document be published for a period of Public Representation week commencing 14 November 2022;
(c) the latest position on the Gypsy Roma Traveller Pitch Delivery Strategy be noted; and
(d) the amendment to the Plan Review timetable (Local Development Scheme) as set in Section 4 of the report, to come into force on 8 November 2022, be adopted. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development & Visitors presented a report which sought approval from the Full Council of the publication of the Amended Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (DPD) for a period of public representation. The report provided an update progress on the Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Pitch Delivery Strategy and also proposed an amendment to the Plan Review timetable and the Local Development Scheme.
The Cabinet thanked the officers involved for their work in completing the document, particularly in light of the various legislative changes that had taken place during its production.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the proposals contained within Appendix 1 form the basis of the Publication Amended Allocations & Development Management DPD and amended Policies Map;
(b) approval be sought from Full Council (at the Extraordinary Meeting to be held on 9 November 2002) for this document be published for a period of Public Representation week commencing 14 November 2022;
(c) the latest position on the Gypsy Roma Traveller Pitch Delivery Strategy be noted; and
(d) the amendment to the Plan Review timetable (Local Development Scheme) as set in Section 4 of this report, to come into force on 8 November 2022 be adopted.
Reason for Decision
To approve the DPD for public representation, and to agree an amendment to the timetable so that the Local Development Scheme can be updated to comply with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and appropriate regulations.
Options Considered
As set out in Section 1 of the report, the District Council has considered a range of options as part of the Plan Review engagement and consultation process. |
Economic Growth Strategy Action Plan - Annual Update 2022 Additional documents: Decision: AGREED that Cabinet note and support the updates provided, the progress achieved and the direction of travel for 2023 in delivering the Economic Growth Strategy for the District’s businesses and residents. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development & Visitors presented a report which updated Members on the progress of the interventions and activities identified in the Economic Growth Strategy 2021-2026. The second annual review of the Strategy provided an opportunity to reflect on the five priorities set given the changes and factors affecting the national and local economy. Two of the five priorities were recommended for change as follows:-
Priority One - A focus on infrastructure and accessibility to areas across the District with poorest connectivity and or potential for impactful growth with the local economy; and Priority Five - A prioritisation of work activity initially on Newark, Ollerton & Edwinstowe in 2023 for the district with a focus on key areas of deprivation.
These changes followed the resident survey and consultation on the Sherwood LUF bid where access and infrastructure were identified as poor and town centre regeneration was seen as a priority.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet note and support the updates provided, the progress achieved and the direction of travel for 2023 in delivering the Economic Growth Strategy for the District’s Businesses and Residents.
Reason for Decision
The delivery of economic growth is a central priority in the Newark & Sherwood Community Plan. To ensure the delivery of the Community Plan and Economic Growth Strategy, it is key an action plan on ‘how’ the Council seeks to implement the Strategies created, structured, delivered, and monitored and evaluated.
Options Considered
The Council has a number of options for delivery of economic growth, these include:
1) Not undertaking a local economic growth strategy; this has been discounted as NSDC has identified the need to support the economy through the resident survey and Community Plan.
2) To provide a reduced, modified or outsourced service for economic growth; This has been discounted as the level of investment is yielding results and comparably more successful to other local authorities in delivering projects and activities, securing external funding, and having a positive impact on the local business community. |
Decision: AGREED that Cabinet:
(a) approve the designation of boundary changes to Newark and Southwell Conservation Areas;
(b) adopt the Newark and Southwell Conservation Area Appraisal documents; and
(c) give delegated authority to the Business Manager, Planning Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development & Visitors to implement the designation of the boundary changes and publication of the Appraisal documents. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Visitors presented a report which sought approval of the proposed boundary changes to Newark and Southwell Conservation Areas and to agree the adoption of the associated Appraisal document which explained what was special about the areas, including management proposals which sought to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the conservation areas.
The Council had a legal duty to review existing Conservation Areas in accordance with Section 69(2) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. In September 2018, the Economic Development Committee granted the Conservation Team delegated authority to proceed with a three-year plan to review a number of Conservation Areas within the District focussing on Edwinstowe, Newark, Ollerton, and Southwell. The work on these areas was summarised in the report.
The report and appendices detailed the consultees and responses which had shaped the reviews in Newark and Southwell, as well as the final proposals.
AGREED (unanimously) that Cabinet:
(a) approve the designation of boundary changes to Newark and Southwell Conservation Areas;
(b) adopt the Newark and Southwell Conservation Area Appraisal documents; and
(c) give delegated authority to the Business Manager, Planning Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development & Visitors to implement the designation of the boundary changes and publication of the Appraisal documents.
Reason for Decision
To enable officers to carry out the Council’s legal duty in respect of Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, and to provide clarity to landowners, residents, and potential investors on the heritage importance of defined areas within Newark and Southwell.
Options Considered
Officers consider that the proposed boundary changes accord with a rigorous methodology for assessing the special interest of existing and proposed conservation areas, as well as being subject to extensive public consultation and engagement. Alternative options have been considered and discounted throughout this process, ranging from making no changes through to a range of different amendments to the current boundary.
Proposal for a Kerbside Glass Recycling Service in Newark & Sherwood Additional documents:
Decision: AGREED that:
(a) revenue and capital costs identified within the proposed methodology for the scheme are included in the Council’s budget proposals for 2023/24;
(b) a period of public consultation be undertaken in relation to the implementation of the scheme and recommended service option;
(c) a market research company be commissioned to undertake a consultation exercise at a maximum cost of £15k funded from existing budgets; and
(d) a further report be brought to Cabinet on 21 February 2023 in order for a final decision to be made taking into account consultation responses. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Cleaner, Greener, Safer, presented a report which set out the recommendations of the Policy & Performance Improvement Committee in relation to the implementation of a kerbside glass collection scheme. The Policy & Performance Improvement Committee had recommended that any future service be based on a 140 litre bin on an 8 weekly collection cycle, with the service not being provided in the areas that were being served by Recycling Ollerton & Boughton which was a charity providing work-based training placements to adults with learning difficulties. The Committee had proposed a period of public consultation on their recommended service option.
The report considered by the Policy & Performance Improvement Committee at their meeting held on 17 October 2022, was attached as appendix and this detailed the costs associated and logistics of glass collections and processing for any future scheme.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) revenue and capital costs identified within the proposed methodology for the scheme are included in the Council’s budget proposals for 2023/24;
(b) a period of public consultation is undertaken in relation to the implementation of the scheme and recommended service option;
(c) a market research company is commissioned to undertake a consultation exercise at a maximum cost of £15k funded from existing budgets; and
(d) a further report is brought to Cabinet on 21 February 2023 in order for a final decision to be made taking into account consultation responses. Reason for Decision
The kerbside collection of glass has been identified as a priority in recent resident surveys, and based on the National Waste Strategy, we can expect that the introduction of kerbside glass will become a statutory requirement in the future. If the Council already have a service, this can be shaped to be compliant to the nuances of any legislation.
Options Considered
These are detailed in the report to the Policy & Performance Improvement Committee attached as Appendix A to the report.
It remains an option for the Council not to progress implementation of a scheme; however it is proposed to allocate budget in this financial year on the basis of strong support in the Residents’ Survey, in order to ensure implementation in the financial year 2023/4 if the final decision is to proceed. |