Venue: Broadcast from the Civic Suite, Castle House, Great North Road, Newark, Notts, NG24 1BY
Contact: Catharine Saxton Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest by Members and Officers Minutes: Councillors L Dales, J Lee and I Walker declared personal interests as they were Council’s appointed representatives on the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board.
Declaration of any Intentions to Record the Meeting Minutes: The Chairman informed the Committee that the Council was undertaking an audio recording of the meeting which was to be webcast.
Minutes of the meeting held on 28 April 2020 PDF 357 KB Minutes: AGREED that the minutes of the meeting held on 28 April 2020 were approved as a correct record of the meeting, to be signed by the Chairman.
Former Thoresby Colliery, Ollerton Road, Edwinstowe, Nottinghamshire 19/01865/RMAM PDF 1 MB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought reserved matters submission for 219 no dwellings with access gained from the primary, central spine road (permitted under 19/00674/RMAM) including open space, landscaping (soft and hard) and associated internal road infrastructure. Members considered the presentation from the Business Manager - Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from the Planning Case Officer. The table on page 24 of the report was incorrect, the corrected version was included in the schedule of communication. An update regarding condition 9 was also noted, the landscape master plan should read GL1221 REV J. An additional late representation for this application was presented to Committee which was a letter from Pegasus Group. The Committee was also informed of a typographical error on page 21 of the report, which should read ‘Harworth Estates therefore retain a role of coordinating the overall mix, design ethos and provision of infrastructure moving forward’ and not Thoresby Estates.
Councillor P Peacock, local ward Member for Edwinstowe and Clipstone, spoke about the application as he and the other two ward Members had been involved in a number of meetings with developer, Parish Council and community to try and rectify some concerns raised by local people. He commented that this may be the biggest development Edwinstowe will ever receive therefore it was essential to achieve a satisfactory development. The number of car parking spaces, trees, pedestrian links and green spaces had been improved by the developer. The green space to the north of the development were good, whilst the south could be improved. There was a lack of bungalows on phase one, this was key for this phase being closest to amenities within Edwinstowe, the second phase would be further away from the village. The road to the north of the site had been discussed to form a link road to alleviate traffic going into Edwinstowe, however this had not to date been addressed and was considered important and a sensible approach given the piece meal approach of the development. The speed limit of the main Ollerton Road was also discussed given that it currently was 50mph and a 30mph speed limit across the whole of this site would be satisfactory, not part as proposed.
Members considered the application and it was commented that whilst Members were in support of the development it was essential that bungalows be included in phase one in order for residents to be able to walk in to the village. An increase in green space on the development would be favourable and an increase in affordable houses, given that this site had only 7% when the Council’s target was 30%. It was suggested that the application be deferred in order for a site visit to take place and in order for some of these issues to ... view the full minutes text for item 200. |
7 Sycamore Road, Ollerton, Nottinghamshire 19/02146/FUL PDF 665 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought planning permission for one detached dwelling. Members considered the presentation from the Business Manager - Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from the following: Ollerton & Boughton Town Council; the Agent; and the Planning Case Officer. An additional condition had been proposed by the Planning Case Officer, Condition 6 as follows: The boundary fence to the boundary with 7 Sycamore Road and the application site shall be moved to its revised position in accordance with the details shown on approved plan reference 101 within 3 months of completion or occupation of the dwelling whichever is the sooner. Reason: In the interests of residential amenity
Members considered the application and commented that it was vital that this open space was developed. It was of good design, sat well within the plot and welcomed the developer working with the Council.
AGREED (unanimously) that Planning Permission be approved subject to the conditions contained within the report and reasons and the additional condition 6 relating to the repositioning of the fence as detailed in the minute.
Land adjacent to 4 Yew Tree Way, Coddington, Newark 20/00525/FUL PDF 733 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought full planning permission for the erection of one dwelling with a detached garage, which was a resubmission of application 19/00131/FUL. Members considered the presentation from the Business Manager – Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from a resident of Yew Tree Way. An additional late representation was presented to the Committee from the Agent-Aspbury Planning.
Councillor D Armstrong on behalf of Coddington Parish Council spoke against the application in accordance with the views of Coddington Parish Council, as contained within the report.
Members considered the application and the local Ward Member commented that any building on this site was unacceptable as development would endanger the woodland and street scene and set a precedent for future development. The woodland had to date been chipped away and some trees already removed. Other Members commented that if the site had been suitable for development it would have been developed when the cul-de-sac was built. It was further commented that this was a special yew tree wood there being only two of this kind in the country. Trees had already been felled without permission. Concern was also raised regarding the garden area being maintained as a woodland, which would be hard to maintain and monitor. It was suggested that if Committee were mindful to approve planning permission a small picket fence could be erected to separate the garden area in order to protect the woodland. Other Members commented that the application had been reduced from two dwellings to one and was a generous site in comparison with surrounding properties. Only a small corner of the woodland would be lost, which included one maple tree and a group of trees with low value.
The Business Manager – Planning Development informed Committee that the Council were committed to protecting the trees, the proposed dwelling had an identified garden area and purchasers would be aware of the legal requirement regarding the protected woodland. The garden and woodland could be separated by a small picket fence subject to the roots of the trees not being damaged.
A vote to approve planning permission was taken, with a condition that an appropriate fence be erected to maintain the area of garden and woodland, which was lost with 4 votes For and 9 votes Against.
(Councillor M Brock was not present for the entire presentation and took no part in the vote). AGREED (with 11 votes For and 2 votes Against) that contrary to Officer recommendation Planning Permission be refused on the following grounds: the site being inappropriate for development due to the loss and adverse impact on woodland/TPO, the impact on street scene and adverse impact on the amenity of the future occupants.
In accordance with paragraph 12.5 of the Planning Protocol, as the motion was against officer recommendation, a recorded vote was ... view the full minutes text for item 202. |
9 Chestnut Avenue, Newark On Trent 20/00537/FUL PDF 609 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought planning permission for the erection of a single storey rear extension. Members considered the presentation from the Senior Planner- Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
Members considered the application acceptable.
AGREED (unanimously) that Planning Permission be approved, subject to the conditions and reasons contained within the report.
9 Derwent Close, Rainworth 20/00327/FUL PDF 564 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought planning permission for the change of use of the strip of tarmac access to be incorporated into the garden area of number 9 Derwent Close . Members considered the presentation from the Senior Planner- Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
Members considered the application acceptable.
AGREED (unanimously) that planning permission be approved subject to the conditions and reasons contained within the report.
Annual Report detailing the exempt reports considered by the Planning Committee PDF 231 KB Minutes: The Committee considered the report of the Chief Executive listing the exempt item considered by the Committee for the period 5 March 2019 to date.
The Committee agreed that the report considered on the 5 November 2019, relating to Springfield Bungalow, Nottingham Road, Southwell – Legal Advice Regarding Planning Appeal, could now be placed in the public domain.
Minutes: AGREED that the report be noted. |
Minutes: AGREED that the report be noted. |