The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought reserved matters submission for 219 no dwellings with access gained from the primary, central spine road (permitted under 19/00674/RMAM) including open space, landscaping (soft and hard) and associated internal road infrastructure. Members considered the presentation from the Business Manager - Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from the Planning Case Officer. The table on page 24 of the report was incorrect, the corrected version was included in the schedule of communication. An update regarding condition 9 was also noted, the landscape master plan should read GL1221 REV J. An additional late representation for this application was presented to Committee which was a letter from Pegasus Group. The Committee was also informed of a typographical error on page 21 of the report, which should read ‘Harworth Estates therefore retain a role of coordinating the overall mix, design ethos and provision of infrastructure moving forward’ and not Thoresby Estates.
Councillor P Peacock, local ward Member for Edwinstowe and Clipstone, spoke about the application as he and the other two ward Members had been involved in a number of meetings with developer, Parish Council and community to try and rectify some concerns raised by local people. He commented that this may be the biggest development Edwinstowe will ever receive therefore it was essential to achieve a satisfactory development. The number of car parking spaces, trees, pedestrian links and green spaces had been improved by the developer. The green space to the north of the development were good, whilst the south could be improved. There was a lack of bungalows on phase one, this was key for this phase being closest to amenities within Edwinstowe, the second phase would be further away from the village. The road to the north of the site had been discussed to form a link road to alleviate traffic going into Edwinstowe, however this had not to date been addressed and was considered important and a sensible approach given the piece meal approach of the development. The speed limit of the main Ollerton Road was also discussed given that it currently was 50mph and a 30mph speed limit across the whole of this site would be satisfactory, not part as proposed.
Members considered the application and it was commented that whilst Members were in support of the development it was essential that bungalows be included in phase one in order for residents to be able to walk in to the village. An increase in green space on the development would be favourable and an increase in affordable houses, given that this site had only 7% when the Council’s target was 30%. It was suggested that the application be deferred in order for a site visit to take place and in order for some of these issues to be resolved. The Chairman confirmed that given the deadline to consider the application had already been extended and a decision was required within the week, a deferral for a site visit was not feasible given the Covid-19 pandemic. The link road was also discussed, the Director of Growth and Regeneration confirmed that meetings were taking place regarding the Forest Corner Master plan and the link road would be part of that discussion although it would be outside of the planning process.
A Member sought clarification regarding how many houses were required before a trigger was hit to build a school on site. The Director of Growth and Regeneration confirmed that the Section 106 agreement required planning permission with school in consultation with Nottinghamshire County Council after the 150th dwelling, a school must be completed before the twelfth month anniversary of the completion of the 150th dwelling.
Members discussed the speed limit of Ollerton Road which was currently 50mph and stated that the whole stretch of road should be reduced to 30mph in order for the safety of pedestrians walking from this development into the village. The Chairman commented that Nottinghamshire Highways did not see a need to lower the speed limit for the entire length of the site towards Ollerton.
Other Members commented that the design and mix of houses were good, more green space would be an improvement. The Chairman commented that there was an additional scheme which would run parallel to this development for a zip wire and large public access area.
AGREED (with 13 votes For and 1 vote Against) that reserved matters approval be granted, subject to the conditions and reasons contained within the report and amendment to conditions as detailed in the schedule of communication.
Councillor |
Vote |
R. Blaney |
For |
L. Brazier |
For |
M. Brock |
For |
M. Brown |
For |
L. Dales |
For |
M. Dobson |
For |
L. Goff |
For |
R. Holloway |
For |
J. Lee |
Against |
P. Rainbow |
For |
M. Skinner |
For |
T. Smith |
For |
I.Walker |
For |
K. Walker |
Apology for absence |
Y. Woodhead |
For |
(Note – having being informed that the live stream of the meeting for the public had been delayed, the Chairman recapped Minute No.’s 197,198 and 199 above for the benefit of the press and public following proceedings.)
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