
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Corporate Annual Budget Strategy for 2025/26 ref: 94624/09/202401/10/2024Call-in expired
Transfer of Section 106 Open Space - Off Site Sports Contribution to Ollerton Town Football Club ref: 95024/09/202401/10/2024Call-in expired
Commercial Plan Update ref: 94724/09/202401/10/2024Call-in expired
Newark & Sherwood Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022 - 2026 - Year 2 Outturn Report ref: 94424/09/202401/10/2024Call-in expired
Annual Review of Exempt Items ref: 94824/09/202401/10/2024Call-in expired
Proposal to Adopt the Land and Ongoing Maintenance of the Middlebeck Phase One Development (Key Decision) ref: 94524/09/202401/10/2024Call-in expired
Private Sector Housing Grant Amendments (Key Decision) ref: 94324/09/202401/10/2024Call-in expired
Newark Towns Fund Update (Key Decision) ref: 94924/09/202401/10/2024Call-in expired
Assisted Garden Scheme for Tenants - Ground Breaker ref: 95524/09/202428/09/2024Call-in expired
Appointment of Representatives on Outside Bodies and Council Owned Companies - Arkwood Developments ref: 95324/09/202428/09/2024Call-in expired
Palace Theatre Sound Desk Replacement ref: 95123/09/202428/09/2024Call-in expired