Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Revised Contaminated Land Strategy03/10/2024For Determination04/11/2024
Active Travel Feasibility Report03/10/2024For Determination04/11/2024
Public consultation on the Draft Developer Contributions & Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document03/09/2024For Determination10/12/2024
Sherwood Levelling Up, Long Term Plan for Towns and UKSPF / UKRPF Fund Update03/09/2024For Determination04/11/2024
Cost Recovery for Re-Inspection under the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme03/09/2024For Determination04/11/2024
Towns Fund Project Update06/08/2024For Determination10/12/2024
Fernwood Open Space06/08/2024For Determination04/11/2024
14 Market Place, Newark- Refurbishment06/08/2024For Determination10/12/2024
Yorke Drive- Developing a Shared Equity Model04/06/2024For Determination04/11/2024
Jubilee Bridge Refurbishment04/04/2024For Determination10/12/2024
Crewe Lane, Southwell - Works06/02/2024For Determination10/12/2024
Yorke Drive Regeneration Update05/12/2023For Determination04/11/2024
Stodman Street Phase 2 - St Marks05/12/2023For Determination10/12/2024
Mansfield and District Joint Crematorium Committee - New Crematorium02/10/2023For Determination04/11/2024