Issue - decisions

Southwell Leisure Centre Pool Works

19/12/2023 - Southwell Leisure Centre Pool Works (Key Decision)

AGREED that Cabinet:

a)        note the progress of works to the dry side;


b)        approve the continued closure of the main pool;


c)        approve the additional revenue budget of £12,300 from the Change Management Reserve to fund the engineered solution to safeguard the structure of the main pool as set out in section 2.5(d) of the report;


d)        note that the learner pool would continue to operate;


e)        note the continued arrangements to support users of Southwell main pool to swim at other venues;


f)         approve in principle, the option of developing a new swimming facility (main pool, teaching pool plus associated changing facilities) on land adjacent to the current Southwell leisure centre, as set out in section 2.5(c)(2) of the report subject to detailed feasibility being undertaken and agreement of land transfer with the current landowner(s); a further report being brought back to Cabinet for approval as soon as practicable;


g)        approve the capital budget of £5.5m financed by borrowing for the estimated build cost of the replacement pools as set out in 2.5(c)(2) of the report noting that reports will be brought to Cabinet on revised estimated costs as the feasibility project progresses;


h)        approve a revenue budget of £25,000 from the Capital Feasibility Reserve to carry out design works to RIBA Stage1 for a new Leisure Centre which incorporates the new pool building; the design works to be procured on in principle agreement of land transfer to the Council; and


i)          request officers to work up options, costings and methods of finance for the replacement pools to form part of aspirations for a wider development of a new leisure centre on the site, in conjunction with partners and relevant landowners.