Issue - decisions

Sherwood Levelling Up Fund Updates - Ollerton Town Centre and Mansfield Road, Clipstone

02/11/2022 - Sherwood Levelling Up Fund Update - Ollerton Town Centre and Mansfield Road, Clipstone (Key Decision)

AGREED that Cabinet:


(a)     note and support the updates with respect of the Sherwood Levelling Up Fund proposals submitted to Government as part of the Sherwood Constituency LUF Round 2;


(b)     authorise the Director - Planning & Growth, in consultation with the Sherwood Steering Board and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Economic Development & Visitors, to continue to develop plans for the Clipstone and Ollerton projects, subject to additional budget of £60k to be forward-funded pending the approval of the NSDC UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan, subject to endorsement by the Newark & Sherwood Place Board; and 


(c)      authorise the Business Manager - Corporate Property to progress redevelopment plans for the Clipstone Holdings site to provide for a low carbon, low-running cost modern industrial scheme, including securing necessary planning permission and contractor(s) within the maximum budget envelope contained within the exempt appendix, which shall be added to the Council’s Capital Programme.