Issue - decisions

Local Development Framework update including Acquisition of Gypsy and Traveller sites

08/06/2022 - Local Development Framework Update (Key Decision)



1.      That the proposed approach to the Allocations and Development Management Policies and meeting future Gypsy and Traveller need, subject to presentation of a Draft Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD to the July Cabinet in order to allow presentation to Full Council in July and public consultation throughout the summer be supported;


2.      That the funding submissions to Government which seeks to secure the costs of land purchase and any necessary works to physically implement a Gypsy & Traveller site or sites be endorsed, including noting the need for General Fund match contribution based on costs received to date detailed in the exempt update report, which shall comprise at least 10% match (£100,000) of any maximum grant award; and


3.      That the continued progress on possible land purchase and Gypsy & Traveller development proposals, as detailed in the exempt report, with a view to further updates presented to the July Cabinet alongside the Final Consultation Draft of the Allocations and Development Management DPD be noted and supported.