Issue - decisions

Proposal For A Public Space Protection Order - Vicar Water Country Park

06/09/2021 - Proposal For A Public Space Protection Order - Vicar Water Country Park

The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager – Public Protection, which informed the Committee of the findings in consultation with key partners and members of the public, on the proposed Public Space Protection Order (“PSPO”) at Vicar Water Country Park.


Consideration had been given to the option of a specifically designated BBQ area.  Consultation with other park providers as demonstrated that outside of the very large areas such as Clumber Park, this was not a feature normally provided due to the fire risk.  The Parks team had confirmed that they would not support the designation of such an area.


A map showing the proposed area of the PSPO was attached as Appendix two to the Report.  It indicated that the extent of the proposed PSPO was the whole of vicar water Country Park, however there was a small exclusion area around the fishing lake to allow smoking by the angling club as their members were there for an extended amount of time.


Two further designated smoking areas had been identified as:

(1)      the area outside of the Visitors Centre, which hosted Rumbles Café, and would be restricted to the immediate area at the rear of the building, which included the outdoor seating facility for Rumbles Café.

(2)      the car park area.


A map showing those additional exclusions was attached as Appendix three to the Report.


It was reported that failure to comply with the PSPO was an offence.  It was proposed that the fixed penalty level or all Public Space Protection Orders be set at £100.00 reduced to £75.00 if made within 14 days.  This aligned the penalty level with that of similar environmental and ASB offences.  It was proposed that the enforcement of PSPO’s would be carried out by Authorised officers of the council and police. 


The local ward Member sought clarification regarding any land which fell under the control of Mansfield District Council and whether discussions had taken place with Mansfield District Council regarding the PSPO’s.  The Business Manager confirmed that he was not aware of any land contained within the designated areas which fell under Mansfield District Council, but would confirm with colleagues at Mansfield District Council.


AGREED             (unanimously) that:


(a)                the terms of the PSPO as being ‘a person or persons are                               prohibited from the following activities being: the lighting                               of fires; barbecues; Chinese lanterns, fireworks; or using any                  article/object which causes a       naked flame and which poses a                         risk of fire’ be agreed;


(b)           the proposed designated smoking areas be agreed;


(c)            clarification be sought with Mansfield District Council regarding                  any land issues.