Issue - decisions

Private Sector Housing Grant Amendments

25/09/2024 - Private Sector Housing Grant Amendments (Key Decision)

That Cabinet approve:


a)       the inclusion of the Armed Forces Covenant into the policy;


b)       the increase in the discretionary Disabled Facilities Grant funding from £20,000 to £30,000 to be funded through the Better Care Fund Allocation;


c)        the increase to the Minor Works Grant funding from £5,000 to £10,000 to be funded through the Better Care Fund Allocation;


d)       a review of the outcome of the amendments to the discretionary grant maximum amounts after 6 months of the policy update approval; and


e)       delegated authority to the Director – Communities & Environment, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder - Housing and the Leader of the Council to increase the discretionary grant by a further £10,000 without requiring a further report to the Cabinet, if considered appropriate, following the review.