Agenda item

Land At Knapthorpe Lodge Hockerton Road Caunton - 22/00975/FULM

Site visit - 11.30am – 12.30pm


The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought the construction of a solar farm, access and all associated works, equipment and necessary infrastructure.


A site visit had taken place prior to the commencement of the Planning Committee, for the reason that the proposal was particularly contentious, and the aspects being raised could only be viewed on site.


Members considered the presentation from the Planning Case Officer, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.


A Schedule of Communication was circulated prior to the meeting which detailed correspondence received following publication of the Agenda from the Planning Case Officer; Local Residents; Averham, Kelham and Staythorpe Parish Council; and the Agent.  Additional late representations had been received from local residents.


Councillor D Catenach, South Muskham & Little Carlton Parish Council, spoke against the application in accordance with the views of South Muskham & Little Carlton Parish Council as contained within the report.


Members considered the application and commented that the solar panel farm had an overbearing impact and there was no biodiversity. Members were cynical regarding the two applications received separately, rather than one application which would have been determined by the Secretary of State.  It was also raised that a planning policy regarding solar farms within the district would have been useful. It was commented that the ideal place for solar panels to be installed was on roof tops of businesses, schools, public buildings, warehouses, factories etc., the electricity generated could then be sold to the National Grid or shared within the community.  Concern was raised regarding the narrow roads within that area, and problems encountered with the planning site visit bus that morning, which was unable to park safely on the highway.  Concern was therefore raised regarding construction traffic if the committee were minded to approve the application.  Concern was further raised regarding the runoff of rainwater from this site which may exacerbate the problem of flooding in that area.  The Planning Case Officer confirmed that there was a 900mm bund included in the planning conditions.  It was also confirmed that increased surface water run off rates were not known to increase with solar farm developments and there was potential for downstream betterment.  The Planning Case Officer also confirmed that there was an error in the planning report and confirmed that the two access points were new.  It was commented that the land should be used to grow crops rather than importing food due to the economic climate. 


The Chair commented, in relation to the Great North Road solar scheme that the Council was only a consultee and this was a national infrastructure project.


Members raised concerns that the solar panel farms were being submitted to the Council piecemeal and felt that the Council did not have any framework to make decisions.  Concern was also raised regarding the glint and glare from the solar panels on the pilots of Caunton Airfield, which was in close proximity to the application site.


Councillor A Amer entered the meeting during the Member debate.


Councillor A Amer and Councillor D Member did not take part in the vote as they were not in the meeting for the duration of the Officers presentation.


A vote was taken and unanimously lost to Approve planning permission.


Moved Councillor A Freeman and Seconded Councillor S Saddington

AGREED      (unanimously) that contrary to Officer recommendation planning permission be refused for the following reasons:


(i)                  Loss of agricultural land;

(ii)                Loss of agricultural land over a forty-year period; and

(iii)              Landscape visual character impact.


In accordance with paragraph 13.5 of the Planning Protocol, as the motion was against Officer recommendation, a recorded vote was taken.




A Amer

Did not vote

C Brooks


L Dales


A Freeman


P Harris


J Lee


K Melton


D Moore

Did not vote

E Oldham


P Rainbow


S Saddington


M Shakeshaft


M Spoors


L Tift


T Wildgust




Councillor D Moore left the meeting at this point.

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