Agenda item

Tesco Express, Kirklington Road, Rainworth, Nottinghamshire, NG21 0AE - 22/01298/FUL


The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought a proposed retail unit with parking and an amended site entrance.  The application had been deferred from the 10 August 2023, Planning Committee, to enable officers to re-evaluate the proposal in the context of Condition 11 (delivery hours) not being enforceable.


Members considered the presentation from the Planning Case Officer, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.


A Schedule of Communication was circulated prior to the meeting which detailed correspondence received following publication of the Agenda from Nottinghamshire County Council Highways and the Planning Case Officer.


Councillor C Penny, speaking against the application as Local Ward Member (Rainworth North & Rufford) stated that she was speaking regarding the views of the residents of Rainworth and Rainworth Parish Council.  The proposal would have overwhelming negative consequences due to its layout and disagreed that the retail unit would be an asset to the village.  The car park was eighteen car parking spaces short of the recommended number and commented that recommendations for car parking spaces were there for a reason.  Delivery lorries would have to park on Kirklington Road and the new plan would not allow delivery lorries to turn into the car park.  A bat survey had been undertaken for a previous application that had indicated that there were bats in that area, but one had not been undertaken for this application.  There was already a considerable amount of congestion on the surrounding roads and the current situation was very dangerous.  Making the change to the entrance would only make the problem move around the corner.  There was a skate park and other venues opposite the site and concern was raised that children would have to cross Kirklington Road on an already dangerous junction.  The layout in the car park may create a rat run for motorists to avoid the lights.  It was recommended that the current fenced off car park should be opened and used as a car park for deliveries to be made to the Tesco store.  There was also a sink hole in the vicinity, repairs had been made to the sink hole, but concern was raised that the increase in volume of traffic could create collapse of the sink hole.

Councillor T Smith, speaking against the application as adjoining Ward Member (Rainworth South & Blidworth) was granted permission to address the Committee by the Planning Committee Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Business Manager – Planning Developmentin accordance with Planning Protocol, on the grounds that the application would have an impact on both wards.  Councillor T Smith supported Councillor C Penny’s address and commented that he represented Rainworth and lived in the village.   The junction adjoining the site was awful and the proposal would exacerbate the traffic problem.  There were not enough car parking spaces to serve another retail unit in that vicinity and if the application was approved customers would be forced to park on the road.  A rat run would be created to by-pass the traffic lights.  The road network and pavements adjacent to the proposal serviced two primary schools and a secondary school.  A youth club, skate park and toddlers venue were located opposite the site and concern was raised regarding the safety of those users.  The plot would create over intensification if Committee were minded to approve the application.  Trees would need to be felled, which was not acceptable even though they were classed as low-quality trees, they were the only trees in the village.  Rainworth Parish Council were against the application, residents were not in support, and it was commented that NCC Highways can get things wrong.


Members considered the application and commented that there was a shortfall of eighteen car parking spaces and the application should be refused on the grounds of a restrained location.


Members commented on the reversing of lorries into the car park area and considered that dangerous.  A Member sought clarification as to the number of car parking spaces required for one new retail unit, the Planning Case Officer confirmed that twenty-four spaces would be required for one food retail unit.  A Member commented that the proposed car park layout was unsafe as pedestrians would be forced to walk behind vehicles and felt that should be addressed to have a safe pedestrian route through the car park.


The Planning Case Officer confirmed that the shortage of car parking had been accepted by NCC Highways, as the two retail units would share an overall car parking provision of thirty spaces, the shortfall was deemed acceptable and the scheme would incorporate some landscaping and measures to ensure safe pedestrian movements through the site.  Alternative measures had been considered but this was the preferred layout for various reasons including the safe pedestrian access through the site.


Proposed by Councillor D Moore and Seconded by Councillor Mrs L Tift

AGREED     (unanimously) that contrary to Officer recommendation, planning permission be refused for the following reasons:


(i)               Not sufficient car parking spaces; and

(ii)             Convenience for uses in terms of safety.


In accordance with paragraph 13.5 of the Planning Protocol, as the motion was against Officer recommendation, a recorded vote was taken.




A Amer


C Brooks


L Dales


A Freeman


P Harris


J Lee


K Melton


D Moore


E Oldham


P Rainbow


S Saddington


M Shakeshaft


M Spoors


L Tift


T Wildgust



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