Site Visit: 10.15am – 10.25am
The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought the proposed change of use to residential caravan site for gypsy/travellers (19 No. pitches), relocation of 2 no. existing pitches, construction of 1 no. managers dwelling, an amenity building and creation of a new access. A site visit took place before the meeting.
Members considered the presentation from the Business Manager – Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting, which detailed correspondence received following the publication of the agenda from the following: Planning Case Officer; Nottinghamshire County Council Highways; Local Residents; Balderton Parish Council; Barnby-in-the-Willows Parish Council; Robert Jenrick MP Office; and a copy of a letter from a Local Resident.
The Business Manager – Planning Development informed the Committee of two further objections received.
The Chairman informed the Committee that he had agreed to allow Balderton Parish Council to speak as the application was in their parish and also Barnby-in-the-Willows and Coddington Parish Council as they were neighbouring parishes.
Councillor G Lee, on behalf of Balderton Parish Council, spoke against the application in accordance with the views of Balderton Parish Council, as contained within the report.
Councillor G Bett, on behalf of Barnby-in-the-Willows Parish Council, spoke against the application in accordance with the views of Barnby-in-the-Willows Parish Council, as contained within the report.
Councillor T Dikkez, on behalf of Coddington Parish Council, spoke against the application in accordance with the views of Coddington Parish Council, as contained within the report.
Councillor J Lee, Local Ward Member for Balderton North & Coddington, spoke against the application on the grounds that if planning permission was granted it would set a dangerous precedent as the large house could be built and then never have any gypsy travellers taking up the pitches, it was considered a way around the rules for building in the open countryside. He commented that he had supported gypsy traveller applications in the past, however this application was not Council run and there was no evidence for any need at this location. If there wasn’t any take up, the utility block may also be used as a second home in the future.
The Business Manager – Planning Development in relation to a question that an Environmental Assessment had not been undertaken, explained that the site did not fall into any of the categories set out in Schedule 1 and did not fall within the thresholds of Schedule 2 and an Environmental Impact Assessment was not required.
Members considered the application and felt that the dwelling was too large in the open countryside and to use the gypsy traveller site to get such a large dwelling was considered unethical. It was also commented that there were no footpaths connecting to major facilities from this site. Another Member felt that the application was acceptable given the need for gypsy traveller sites in the district.
The Business Manager – Planning development informed Members that Condition 12 addressed the need that the site would be used for its intended use. Permitted development rights would need to be removed.
A vote was taken and lost for Approval with one vote For and thirteen votes Against.
AGREED (with 13 votes For and 1 vote Against) that contrary to Officer recommendation planning permission be Refused for the following reasons:
(i) the principle of a manager’s house of that size, five bed-room, three storey for the necessity to manage a Gypsy Traveller site of twenty-one pitches was not acceptable and created harm to the open countryside; and
(ii) was contrary to Policies CP9; CP13; SP3; DM8; & DM5
Councillor T Smith left the meeting at this point.
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