Site Visit: 11.25am – 11.35am
The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought the demolition of two single storey bungalows and construction of 8 dwellings that included off-street parking provision and outdoor amenity space. A site visit took place before the meeting.
Members considered the presentation from the Business Manager – Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting, which detailed correspondence received following the publication of the agenda from Rolleston Village Hall.
Councillor Baillon, on behalf of Rolleston Parish Council, spoke against the application in accordance with the views of Rolleston Parish Council, as contained within the report.
Members considered the application, and it was commented that the two bungalows that had stood empty for six years was too long given the need for housing. It was commented that the intensity on the access road was too great and the largest of the open market houses would impact on the appropriate use of the village hall. The design was considered to have been taken off the shelf and was not desirable. The road adjacent to the site had not been adopted and was in a poor state and the maintenance of that road was unclear. The car parking arrangements for the development were not adequate. The grass verge may be used for car parking however that was included in the landscaping scheme and would have trees planted on it. Concern was raised regarding the risk of flooding, an area that had previously flooded. Another Member commented that the scheme may put the village hall in danger if there were not adequate car parking arrangements for visitors to the village hall. Another Member commented that there was a shortage of bungalows, and it wasn’t very often that bungalows were demolished. Members further commented on the size and scale of the development and would prefer the replacement of the bungalows with bungalows.
A vote was taken to Approve which was lost with one vote For and twelve votes Against.
AGREED (with 12 votes For and 1 vote Against) that contrary to Officer recommendation, planning permission be refused for the following reasons:
(i) Over intensive development at the site resulting in inadequate visitor car parking,
(ii) likely impact on the use of Village Hall due to the proximity of the dwellings;
(iii) issue of design;
(iv) measures for maintenance of the road not provided; and
(v) landscaping which was failure to demonstrate unauthorised car parking due to road maintenance.
In accordance with paragraph 13.5 of the Planning Protocol, as the motion was against Officer recommendation, a recorded vote was taken.
Councillor |
Vote |
R.V. Blaney |
For |
M. Brock |
For |
R.A. Crowe |
For |
L. Dales |
For |
A. Freeman |
Against |
L. Goff |
For |
R. Holloway |
Absent |
Mrs P. Rainbow |
For |
Mrs S. Saddington |
For |
M. Skinner |
For |
T. Smith |
Absent |
I. Walker |
For |
K. Walker |
For |
T. Wildgust |
For |
Mrs Y. Woodhead |
For |
In accordance with Rule 30.1, the Chairman indicated that the meeting had been ongoing for three hours and a motion was required to be proposed and seconded to extend the meeting.
AGREED (unanimously) that the meeting continue.
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