Agenda item

Newark Town Investment Plan and Town Deal


The Committee considered the report of the Director – Planning & Growth which sought to update Members of the following: the work undertaken in developing the Town Investment Plan (TIP); the delivery of identified priority projects in the TIP through the Newark Town Deal (NTD); the report on the assurance of the Towns Fund and Levelling UP Fund Round 1; and related future interventions and opportunities.


The report set out the process for creating the Newark Town Investment Plan (TIP), together with details of the identified 10 priority projects and noted that there was also a list of some 30 potential future projects which may emerge and/or be priorities beyond the initial 10, setting a possible 30-year time frame for activity and focus.  The financial position of the projects was detailed in the report together with project outputs and risks with paragraph 2 setting out the next steps for the projects.


In considering the report, Members raised a number of queries.  In relation to the 78 students having progressed through the Construction College, Members queried how many had secured subsequent employment.  Officers advised that some of the courses on offer were sponsored by industry and the students undertaking the courses were on work placement.  Officers advised that a report would be brought to a future meeting providing further information. 


In relation to the high-speed fibre broadband, a Member noted that fibre broadband had been installed in Newark some 15 years previously but had not been rolled out to some villages in the district.  In response, the Director acknowledged that some previous aspirations for fibre broadband had not been realised but there was potential to lobby to have provision in other areas of the district.


In response to what action might be taken should apprentices at the YMCA not complete their courses, the Director advised that there would be regular monitoring and evaluation meetings which would enable any worrying trends to be spotted and corrected, if necessary.  Further details on numbers would be brought back to a future meeting of the Committee.


The Member also queried as to whether any other qualification would be included in the prospectus for the Air & Space Institute, specifically those which did not require further or higher education, that could be done either part-time or by attending night-school.  The Director advised that there would be pathways to alternative education routes, both higher and further education which could be undertaken either full or part-time.  He advised he would speak with the Programme Manager and project sponsors about the issue raised.


In relation to the 20 Minute Cycle Town, a Member queried as to the current usage figures.  The Business Manager – Economic Development & Visitors advised that there were currently 3 docks in the town with a 4th one planned and there were approximately 267 users.  Discussions were being held with Brompton Bikes’ marketing team to target local employers who may want to partner with the scheme.  It was noted that advanced discussions were also being held with Newark Hospital.  Members would be kept informed of numbers as the project progressed.


AGREED      (unanimously) that:


(a)          the process followed in the development of the Town Investment Plan be noted; and


(b)          the progress made in the delivery assurance and monitoring of the Town Deal and other proposals within and related to the Town Investment Plan be noted and welcomed.

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