Agenda item

Climate Emergency Update


The Committee considered the report and presentation of the Environmental Policy & Projects Officer which sought to provide an update to Members on the progress of the Climate Emergency Strategy and associated Action Plan. 


The report set out the background to the declaration of a Climate Emergency in 2019 and the work undertaken since that time resulting in the Council’s agreed target for carbon reduction and the development of the Action Plan to deliver the vision outlined in the Climate Emergency Strategy.  Details were provided in relation to the initiatives which the Council were committed to which included: the Green Rewards App; Carbon Reduction Support; Solar PC Installation; Decarbonisation Plan; Brunel Drive Master Plan; Climate Awareness Training; LAD2 Energy Efficient Improvements to Homes; and Tree Planting.  Paragraph 3 of the report provided detailed information as to the monitoring and measuring of the Council’s carbon emissions and how this would assist in being accountable to residents.  It also enabled identification of areas with high carbon emissions suitable for targeted action. 


In considering the report, a Member queried whether anything was being done to enable the recycling of milk carton lids and what incentives were in place to encourage residents to recycling glassware.  The Environmental Policy & Projects Officer advised she would confirm this with Environmental Services that milk carton lids could go in the grey recycling bin.


In relation to the Green Awards app., a number of Members queried how this had been advertised and whether it could be promoted again in an attempt to encourage additional people to sign up.  In response, Members were advised that it had been promoted on social media and a promotional stall had been present at an event held at Sherwood Forest.  There was also cross promotion with other local authorities.  She added that there was a target of 100 per quarter for people to sign-up.  Members suggested this was promoted through parish councils who could assist with encouraging take-up of the App.


A Member queried what lessons had been learned from the use of electric vehicles by the Council’s Community Protection Officers.  He advised that this issue had formed part of discussions at the ASB Review Working Group around whether electric or hybrid vehicles would be a better solution.  In response, the Officer advised that the charging points at Castle House were not sufficiently powerful to quickly charge the existing vehicles and acknowledged that a hybrid vehicle would be a better option in some situations.  She added that the next procurement cycle was in 2025/2026 and all relevant information about electric vehicles would be fed into the Brunel Drive Master Plan.


In relation to tree planting and access to free trees by residents, Members queried how many residents had already expressed an interest.  In response they were informed that 441 residents had already signed up for a free tree.  These sign-ups were as a result of the offer for a free tree for those who completed the residents survey.  This was in addition to the usual annual promotion of the scheme which would be undertaken early next year.


A Member queried whether any data was available in relation to the LAD2 scheme to enable comparisons to be drawn as to whether the programme of works had resulted in energy efficiencies.  The Environmental Policy & Projects Officer advised she would speak with the relevant Officer and ask for a written response to be provided.


AGREED      (unanimously) that:


(a)          the inclusion of Southwell Leisure Centre and new Council services in our net carbon neutral target and incorporated into the annual carbon footprint calculation going forwards be endorsed; and


(b)          the progress on the action plan and its key targets be noted.

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