The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager Growth & Regeneration which sought planning permission for the demolition of the existing garage block (comprising six garages) and the erection of three two storey terraced dwellings with associated garden space and parking.
Councillor J Lee having declared a personal interest and pre-determination withdrew himself from the meeting and sat in the public seating area.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from the Agent and Coddington Parish Council.
Councillor Mrs Cox, representing Coddington Parish Council spoke against the application in accordance with the views of Coddington Parish Council.
Councillor J Lee sought Committee approval to speak as the Local Ward Member for the application. The Chairman allowed Councillor J Lee to return to the meeting and speak on the item. Councillor J Lee did not take part in the debate or voting of the application.
Councillor J Lee, Local Ward Member for Balderton North & Coddington spoke against the application on the grounds of loss of green open space in a conservation area. He commented that this area of land was heavily used by children as a play area and dog walkers and would be a major loss to the local community. The nearest park was a fifteen minute walk. Nottinghamshire County Council had put in double yellow lines in that area and the mobile traffic camera was used to reduce parking issues. He felt the application was of bad design and urged the Committee to refuse the application.
Members considered the application and it was commented that the site had a range of garages and hard standing, the open space wrapped around the garages and would therefore wrap around the proposed development. The proposed houses would be placed on the derelict site. It was also confirmed that the green area left would be accessible by the public. Members also considered the information regarding the current open space being 1851 sqm which would reduce to 1639 sqm and felt that there would be minimal loss. The development would provide three houses to three families on the Newark and Sherwood Homes waiting list and would be valued by those people.
Other Members commented that the site was in the protected open space and was in the Core Strategy. The local community were against the development and it was felt that the site should be cleared and retained as a green open space in line with what the local community wanted. The school traffic issues with car parking were also raised and it was felt that the development would only exasperate that problem.
The Business Manager Growth & Regeneration clarified that whilst the site was dedicated as protected open space in the Core Strategy, as a matter of law planners and indeed members should consider whether other material considerations outweigh the development plan and in this case it was considered by planners that the gaining of three affordable dwellings outweighed the minimal loss of green space cited above.
AGREED (with 8 votes for and 4 votes against) that planning permission be approved subject to the conditions contained within the report, the following amendment to condition 2 and additional condition.
(i) The updated plan requested to include proposed visibility splays. Condition 2 to be amended to reflect the awaited revised plan which will also show the removal of only one tree; and
(ii) An additional condition be included to restrict the root protection area to be a ‘hand dig’ zone along with tree protection.
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