The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager Growth & Regeneration which related to a planning application seeking outline planning permission within the neighbouring South Kesteven District for the erection of a Designer Outlet Centre of up to 20,479 sqm (GEA) of floor space comprising retail units (A1) restaurants and cafes (A3) and storage. Additional large goods retail (5,574 sqm GEA) garden centre (5,521 sqm GEA) and external display area for garden centre (1,393 sqm) tourist information and visitor centre, training academy, leisure unit and offices including high-tech hub/start up offices. Demolition of existing garden centre and sales area and existing warehouse. Improvements to existing Downtown Grantham Store elevations. Reconfigured car-parking and provision of new multi storey car park. Increased coach parking. Access improvements, drainage works, hard and soft landscaping and all ancillary works. All matters reserved with the exception of access.
Members were informed that the Council had been consulted on the above planning application and were invited to make comments on the scheme to the decision maker, South Kesteven District Council. A Holding Objection was issued to South Kesteven District Council until such time as the Council had secured professional retail advice on the scheme. The report set out what officers considered those comments should be for Members consideration.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from Carter Jonas – Retail Consultant.
The Business Manager Growth & Regeneration advised Members of the application before them and informed them that the Retail Consultant had advised that it was unlikely that the market would be able to support two large-scaleschemes within such close proximity. If one scheme was in place the impact would be £7.1m loss to Newark, the consultant had advised that the impact was just short of significant impact, albeit it was for Members to debate this issue. In any event the Business Manager informed that the view of Queens Counsel had been obtained regarding the proper retail planning test to consider. The issue for us to assess is whether the impact of 2 no. planning consents would be acceptable on the vitality and viability of Newark town centre. Retail advisors to the Council consider that the impact of both schemes to Newark Town Centre would be £11.8m. The Council was also considering the pending application for Marks & Spencer to relocate to Newark North Gate, which would also have an impact on the Town Centre. The Business Manager suggested that both a Planning Officer and an elected Member should attend South Kesteven District Council’s Planning Committee to speak against the application, in addition to providing a strong written objection.
Members considered the application and agreed that the application would have a significant adverse impact on Newark Town Centre, particularly when viability margins were lower than ever in difficult market conditions. The loss of a significant town centre retailer would further exacerbate any significant adverse harm. It was suggested that the Newark MP should be informed and asked to seek confirmation that the Secretary of State call the matter in for his own determination should South Kesteven District Council be minded to approve the application. Members also confirmed they supported attendance of both a Planning Officer and an elected Member at the South Kesteven District Council Planning Committee to raise their objection.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(i) Strong objection be placed in writing to South Kesteven District Council; and
(ii) attendance at South Kesteven District Council by both an Officer and elected Member to speak at their Planning Committee against the scheme due to the retail impact on Newark town centre as per advice set out by Carter Jonas – Retail Consultant as detailed in the late items schedule.
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