Agenda item

Levelling Up Submission and UK Shared Prosperity Fund (Key Decision)




1.      That the Director - Planning & Growth, in consultation with the Council’s s151 Officer, the Sherwood Steering Board and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Economic Development & Visitors, be authorised to submit to Government a Sherwood Constituency Levelling Up Fund Round 2 bid for up to 3 projects for a total grant of up to £20m;


2.      That the Director - Planning & Growth, in consultation with the Portfolio holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Economic Development & Visitors, be authorised to prepare and submit an Investment Plan to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, including the development of a Newark & Sherwood Leaders Board through which the proposals will be presented for approval;


3.      That the Business Manager - Corporate Property be authorised to submit a Maximum Offer and terms as detailed in the exempt Appendix to the report, for the freehold purchase of the Clipstone Holdings site, and add the relevant budget into the Capital Programme funded by borrowing;


4.      That subject to a successful Levelling Up Fund round 2, to amend the Council’s Capital Programme to include a capital development match contribution as detailed in the exempt Appendix;


5.      That the Business Manager - Corporate Property, in consultation with the Portfolio holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Economic Development & Visitors, be authorised to confirm acceptance to renting space in the proposed Ollerton Hub, subject to confirmation of a successful Levelling Up Fund Round 2 bid; and


6.      That £30,000 be released from the Change Management Reserve in order to fund the commission to create the Investment Plan for the Shared Prosperity Fund. Where the £20,000 capacity funding is then received, this to be replaced into the Change Management Reserve.


The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development & Visitors presented a report which provided an update on and sought approval for the Council submitting bids for projects and programs as part of the Sherwood Parliamentary Constituency Levelling Up Fund (SLUF) and UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) for spend in 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25.


The Levelling Up Fund part of the report detailed a number of proposed projects including an Ollerton Hub and redevelopment of the Clipstone Holdings Site. Further information in relation to the Clipstone Holdings site proposal was contained in an exempt appendix. The Shared Prosperity Fund part of the report outlined the criteria for application for funding and the submission deadlines for application. It was noted that the District Council’s total principle allocation across the three year program was £3,290,726 of which an additional £20,000 would be provided for capacity funding.


AGREED      (unanimously) that:


(a)          the Director -  Planning & Growth, in consultation with the Council’s s151 Officer, the Sherwood Steering Board and Portfolio Holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Economic Development & Visitors, be authorised to submit to Government a Sherwood Constituency Levelling Up Fund Round 2 bid for up to 3 projects for a total grant of up to £20m;


(b)          the Director - Planning & Growth, in consultation with the Portfolio holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Economic Development & Visitors, be authorised to prepare and submit an Investment Plan to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, including the development of a Newark & Sherwood Leaders Board through which the proposals will be presented for approval;


(c)          the Business Manager - Corporate Property be authorised to submit a Maximum Offer and terms as detailed in the exempt Appendix to the report, for the freehold purchase of the Clipstone Holdings site, and add the relevant budget into the Capital Programme funded by borrowing;


(d)          subject to a successful Levelling Up Fund round 2, to amend the Council’s Capital Programme to include a capital development match contribution as detailed in the exempt Appendix;


(e)          the Business Manager - Corporate Property, in consultation with the Portfolio holders for Strategy, Performance & Finance and Economic Development & Visitors, be authorised to confirm acceptance to renting space in the proposed Ollerton Hub, subject to confirmation of a successful Levelling Up Fund Round 2 bid; and


(f)           £30,000 be released from the Change Management Reserve in order to fund the commission to create the Investment Plan for the Shared Prosperity Fund. Where the £20,000 capacity funding is then received, this to be replaced into the Change Management Reserve.


Reasons for Decision


To enable the District Council to continue to develop, deliver and accelerate its Community Plan and the Economic Growth Strategy (2021-2026) aspirations, including:


1.    In the case of Levelling Up Fund Round 2 an opportunity for well-developed targeted interventions within the Sherwood area to address ongoing challenges of creating new employment opportunities, health inequality, lower pay and transport connectivity;


2.    The development of a UKSPF Investment Plan to target provision to local communities for new employment, skills, business support and community development projects and programs;


3. To allow the Council to lead in re-developing the Clipstone Holding Site as an exemplar and needed development offering new and energy efficient commercial opportunities for local employers and residents.


Options Considered


The Council could decide not to bid for the external funding however this has been discounted on the basis that a number of projects are of sufficient impact and maturity to warrant a submission to maximise the current opportunity. Other projects and programs will still be developed beyond the LUF 2 and UKSPF programs. The Council could also decide not to purchase the freehold of the existing Clipstone Holdings site, albeit as detailed separately in the Main Report and Exempt Appendix the purchase of the site is considered appropriate in terms of ongoing revenue commitments and to allow the redevelopment of the site for much needed commercial accommodation.


Actions:ML / NC

Supporting documents: