The Committee considered the report presented by the Director of Customer Services and Organisational Development, which presented the year to date performance report covering Q1 and Q2 (April to September 2021). The Committee were asked to review and comment on the Community Plan Performance report attached as appendix one to the report and note the RIPA and Ombudsman reports (appendices 3 and 4) to the report.
Quarter 1 had not been reported to Committee as the development of the new style of reporting was underway. Instead a year to date (combined quarter 1 and quarter 2) report had been developed and was attached as appendix one.
It was noted that this report measured performance against the updated Community Plan (as refocused by the Policy and Finance report on 23.09.21) and as such the performance would capture activities not currently mentioned in the Community Plan such as the Levelling Up Fund.
A Member sought clarification regarding the following:
(i) How many new homes are carbon neutral? And how many are off gas (non gas boilers).
(ii) 3 fixed CCTV cameras updated to evidential quality, how many more aren’t evidential quality?
(iii) What action had been taken to facilitate intermodal interchange with bus companies and what has happened?
(iv) Considering our quarter 1 performance shouldn’t we revisit our recycling target? Especially as our target is one of the lowest in the country.
The Director of Communities and Environment confirmed that this would be considered for the next year’s target.
(v) The housing repairs end to end time for all reactive repairs, the target was 6 days and we were performing at 27 days at the moment, why?
The Transformation Manager confirmed that the Covid 19 Pandemic had impacted on the repairs response rate, as only major works had been undertaken to minimise the number of maintenance staff entering tenant’s homes and reduce the risk of infection. It was confirmed that the end to end time should reduce as work began to get back to normal. A written answer would be circulated after the meeting to Members of the Committee for the other questions raised.
A Member commented that past achievements such as the compost bin scheme should be included in the achievement data. The Chairman commented that whilst the Council needed to do as much as they could regarding recycling, in terms of the recycling bin the district was limited as to what could be recycled due to the contract in place with Veolia and what they would take.
The local Ward Member for Edwinstowe and Clipstone thanked Officers for delivering the recent day of action in Clipstone and commented that the key element was to create a lasting legacy.
The local Ward Member for Southwell commented that there was an error within the report, the day of action for Southwell was March 2022 and not October as stated.
AGREED that:
(a) Members review the Community Plan Performance report attached as Appendix 1;
(b) the RIPA and Ombudsman reports (Appendices 3 and 4 to the report), be noted; and
(c) Written answer be provided to Members of the Committee regarding the questions raised.
Supporting documents: