The Committee considered the report presented by the Health Improvement and Community Relations Manager which presented the Active4Today Draft Business Plan, 2021/22. The Committee was also updated regarding the Company’s performance to end of October 2020 and the exceptional circumstances that had impacted on the Company as a result of Covid-19 throughout the year to date.
It was reported that as a result of Covid-19, site closures and restricted operating parameters had a significant impact on the trading activity to date and would have serious ramifications for the company in respect of trading activity for the foreseeable future. Members were informed that it was important to recognise that the review of the Company’s governance arrangements may lead to further changes to the operating model, to be considered by the Committee and may impact on the business plan and therefore the draft plan may require further work.
Members congratulated the team for the work they were undertaking in this difficult time and asked for an update regarding which Leisure Centres were still operating.
The Health Improvement and Community Relations Manager confirmed that the Newark Fitness Centre was still open for school swimming, which was good news that some footfall was going through the centre as part of the school PE curriculum.
The Managing Director of Active4Today confirmed that the closure restrictions had also been lifted for the Southwell Leisure Centre swimming pool and through negotiations with County swimming, school swimming was continuing. Good feedback regarding the swimming programme being provided had been received from Nottinghamshire County Council schools. A4T staff were also continuing with the maintenance of their leisure centres i.e. legislative checks such as legionella and reviewing Covid-19 provisions in preparation for the opening date. The report also noted the positive feedback from customers regarding the work undertaken during the pandemic at the leisure centres.
Members asked for detailed information regarding childhood obesity as the report only indicated that childhood obesity was developing. The Health Improvement and Community Relations Manager confirmed that the work being undertaken to address childhood obesity was far wider than just what Active4Today was offering. Active4Today was trying to provide activities to address obesity and had developed a number of programmes, specific details of interventions to reduce childhood obesity as part of the business plan was still being prepared. Work was being undertaken with schools, bursaries had been given to young people where price was a barrier and work was also being undertaken with health programmes. It was confirmed that a report would be submitted to the January meeting of the Committee including a comparison with local/national obesity figures. The report would also inform Members of the priorities in the physical activity and sport plan.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) the Committee considered the draft themes for the Active4Today Draft Business Plan 2021/2022 and make any representations to the Company via the Authorised Officer;
(b) the performance up to period 7 to 31 October 2020 be noted;
(c) Active4Today provides the January committee meetingwith its latest in-year financial position and full year forecast in order that the Committee can formjudgements on the appropriateness of further financial contributions; and information regarding childhood obesity be included in the update report to the January meeting of the Committee
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