The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought full planning permission and listed building consent for a development comprising 56 residential units (Use Class C3) and community building (Use Class D1) through the conversion of a Grade II Listed Farm Complex "Bulcote Steading" and associated enabling residential development, with associated parking and landscaping. The application was presented to Committee in conjunction with application ref: 17/02325/FULM as follows:
Development comprising 9 residential units (Use Class C3) associated with Planning Application 15/00784/FULM and Listed Building Consent 15/00785/LBC for the Conversion of Grade II Listed Farm Complex "Bulcote Steading" and associated enabling residential development, with associated infrastructure, parking and landscaping.
Members considered the presentation from the Business Manager - Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development. Members were also advised that the listed building consent should be omitted from the application title, as this was being considered separately.
Councillor K Simpson on behalf of Bulcote Parish Council spoke against the application, in accordance with the views of Bulcote Parish Council, as contained within the report.
Councillor T Wendels – Local Ward Member (Lowdham) spoke against the application on the grounds that Bulcote was situated within the Green belt, was a small village with no facilities and had a population of 309 people. The 65 dwellings would have a significant increase in the population and the village needed to be protected. The site access was inadequate, the applicant has had sufficient time to secure suitable access. The Highways Authority was not happy with the proposed access and were continuing to object. There were also flood management concerns. He commented that the applicant needed to secure funding from Historic England to restore the listed buildings.
The Business Manager – Planning Development confirmed that Historic England would consider providing grants subject to the buildings being Grade I or II* listed, or the conservation area needed to be at risk, that funding was therefore not available to the applicant.
Members considered the application and some Members commented that if the proposal was not accepted then this beautiful building would go to ruin and would put a conservation area at risk. The designs put forward were sympathetic to the building. Other Members felt that the population of Bulcote would increase, concern was raised regarding quantum and the large amount of rebuild. The new buildings in their own right were good, however they would dominate the site at large and were not right within that setting. The level crossing was considered as border line risk.
A Member commented that the level crossing was no different for surrounding villages of Bleasby, Fiskerton etc. who were all hemmed in by the Newark Western Railway line, these residents would be in no different situation. Members raised concern regarding the level crossing and suggested that an alternative way was required for emergency vehicles. It was confirmed that an alternative route could be suggested for emergency vehicles using a private route to access the A6097.
A separate vote was taken for each application as follows:
AGREED (with 11 votes For and 3 votes Against) that planning permission be granted for application 15/00784/FULM
(with 10 votes For and 4 votes Against) that planning permission be granted for application 17/02325/FULM
Both applications are subject to the following:
(a) referral to the Secretary of State;
(b) completion of a section 106 agreement for the following:
§ ensuring the land the listed buildings are situated on are not severed from the other land;
§ binding contract for the carrying out of works for redevelopment of the site in accordance with all the necessary permissions and consents.
§ that phasing of the development ensures the works necessary (and permitted as part of this and the full planning application, if approved) to the listed buildings are completed in full whilst enabling a number of the enabling dwellings to be constructed and sold to provide funding for the heritage works;
§ having a clerk of works (or similar) to monitor the works to the listed buildings to ensure they are undertaken correctly;
§ a management company to oversee the wider development once completed;
§ the development proposed under the listed building consent is tied into the agreement;
§ the highway works as shown on drawing number 0398-02 rev G or as may be agreed through negotiation;
§ Primary education contribution of £243,964; and
§ recommendations proposed by the Council’s solicitor and agreed with by the Business Manager – Planning Development;
(c) the following planning conditions. (Each application’s conditions are reported under their respective application number); and
(d) an informative advising the applicant to seek access along A6097 when incident affecting railway crossing making it not operational.
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