The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development, which sought planning permission for the replacement of the existing bungalow with a two storey 5 bedroom dwelling, with a connected annex and attached triple bay garage. Members considered the presentation from the Business Manager – Planning Development, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from the Planning Case Officer recommending an additional condition. Condition 9 to read:
The attached annexe hereby permitted shall not be occupied at any time other than for purposes ancillary to the residential use of the attached host dwelling.
Reason: To prevent the creation of a separate dwelling in a location where new residential development would not normally be permitted.
Councillor A Price on behalf of Fiskerton Parish Council spoke against the application in accordance with the views of Fiskerton Parish Council, as contained within the report.
Members considered the application and it was commented that the proposed dwelling would have an adverse impact upon the character and appearance of the area, including its landscaping setting which together with adjacent development would compound and cumulatively would have a demonstrable harmful impact contrary to policies SP3, DM5 and FCM5(g) of the adopted neighbourhood plan.
Councillor M Skinner informed the Committee that he had not been present for the entire Officer presentation and took no part in the vote.
A vote was taken to approve planning permission, which was unanimously lost.
AGREED (unanimously) that contrary to Officer recommendation planning permission be refused on the following grounds:
(i) the replacement dwelling by virtue of its height, scale, form and massing would have an adverse impact upon the character and appearance of the area, including its landscaping setting which together with adjacent development would compound and cumulatively would have a demonstrable harmful impact contrary to policies SP3, DM5 and FCM5(g) of the adopted neighbourhood plan.
(ii) the proposed replacement 1.5 storey dwelling would, by virtue of its significant increase in scale, mass, form and layout compared to the existing single storey bungalow, represent an incongruous development that would fail to reflect the established character and setting of the streetscene and edge of countryside area in which it is located. The development would be highly prominent when travelling towards Fiskerton from the south along Main Street representing an inappropriate transition between the countryside and the village. The development at the adjoining site is not considered to represent an appropriate material consideration that supports this proposal. Overall the proposal is considered to be contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework, policies SP3 (Rural Areas) of the Newark and Sherwood Amended Core Strategy 2019, DM5 (Design) and DM8 (Development in the Countryside) of the Allocations and Development Management Development Plan Document 2013 and FCM5 of the Fiskerton Cum Morton Neighbourhood Plan 2019 which together form the up-to-date and adopted Development Plan.
In accordance with paragraph 12.5 of the Planning Protocol, as the motion was against officer recommendation, a recorded vote was taken.
Councillor |
Vote |
R. Blaney |
For |
L. Brazier |
For |
M. Brock |
For |
M. Brown |
For |
L. Dales |
For |
M. Dobson |
Apology for absence |
L. Goff |
For |
R. Holloway |
For |
J. Lee |
Apology for absence |
P. Rainbow |
For |
M. Skinner |
Took no part in the vote |
T. Smith |
For |
I.Walker |
For |
K. Walker |
For |
Y. Woodhead |
For |
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