The Committee considered the report of the Director- Growth and Regeneration, which sought the construction of residential development for 87 dwellings and associated works which had been previously considered by the Committee at its meeting on 31 March 2020 (resubmission of 19/01790/FULM). The current application was a re-submission of the previously refused scheme in an attempt to overcome the reason for refusal relating to parking and drainage.
During the presentation to Members, which included photographs and plans of the proposed development, Members were reminded of the importance of considering the application ‘afresh’ and that previous planning history was a material planning consideration. It was also noted that Members had been issued with separate guidance clarifying the governance and management arrangements of Arkwood Developments, which was wholly owned by the Council. In addition, the Director- Growth and Regeneration clarified that the Covid-19 Pandemic was unlikely to be considered a material planning considerationcapable of attracting more than limited weight, as separate legislation had been issued regarding the Pandemic.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published relating to updated plans to show additional parking spaces on other site plans, such as boundaries and landscaping. Late representations had also been received from the Local Ward Member Councillor R. Crowe and Notts County Council Highways raising no objections with the proposed development.
Councillor E Cropper, Newark Town Council, spoke in objection to the proposed development, urging the Committee to protect the open space for residents, raising concerns about the impact of the development on traffic congestion in the area, the size of some of the proposed properties, and the lack of measures to reflect the ‘Climate Emergency’ declared by the Council.
Councillor D. Lloyd, Local Ward Member, spoke in support of the application, noting that the land had been allocated for housing development, the proposed application exceeded parking space requirement and also provided bungalows. The site was well serviced by local amenities and if approved would help reduce anti-social behaviour on the site and provide support for revisions to parking required along Bowbridge Road towards the town centre.
Members considered the application. Some members raised concerns regarding the application, including over intensification of the proposed development, the impact on traffic in the area and the loss of open space. However other Members noted the increased parking provision and movement of drainage by the applicant to address the previous reasons for refusal. No concerns had been raised by Highways with regard to the traffic and the density of the proposed development was well within Policy requirements. In discussion, Members agreed to amend Condition 17 to require consultation with Local Ward Members with regard to the monies for provision of play equipment for children and young people.
AGREED ( 7 for, 6 Against, 2 abstentions ,with the Chairman having used his casting vote for ) that Planning Permission be granted, with the conditions detailed in the report, the amended conditions 2, 10, 13, and 17 detailed in the schedule of communication after the agenda was published, and the further amendment to condition 17 to require consultation with the Local Ward Members regarding the exact locations of where the provision for Children and Young People should be spent
Councillor |
Vote |
R. Blaney |
For |
L. Brazier |
Against |
M. Brock |
For |
M. Brown |
Against |
L. Dales |
For |
M. Dobson |
Against |
L. Goff |
Against |
R. Holloway |
For |
J. Lee |
Against |
P. Rainbow |
For |
M. Skinner |
Against |
T. Smith |
Abstain |
I.Walker |
For |
K. Walker |
Absent |
Y. Woodhead |
Abstain |
There being an equity of votes, the Chairman used his casting vote in support of the motion to approve planning permission.
(Councillor Mrs Y Woodhead was not present for the entire Officer presentation and did not take part in the vote).
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