Agenda item

Rumbles Catering Project


The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager – Parks & Amenities which sought the Members’ views on the future operation of the cafes at Vicar Water Country Park and Sconce & Devon Park, currently run by Rumbles Catering Project (RCP), which is a registered charity.  The report set out the background to the establishment of the charity and provided a history of their operations since that date.  Paragraph 3 of the report provided the Members with 4 options as to which course of action they would wish Officers to pursue.


The Chairman of the Committee suggested that Options 2 and 3 be tracked simultaneously so that the level of rent applied to the premises could be checked.  Also that a new Business Plan for the Charity be produced within 3 months and that Council Officers use their skills to support the charity in the development of the Business Plan.


A Member noted that the Trustees had been offered advice some 4 years previously on how best to operate the catering project.  Also at that time there had been no signs erected at the Vicar Water Site directing visitors to its location.  It was also noted that the charity operated at Sutton Lawns which was an area within the Ashfield District with the Member querying as to whether they were operating successfully there.  The Member commented that the type of work undertaken by the charity was to be applauded but that if the clientele could be better served by another organisation then that should be pursued.  The Business Manager advised that directional and brown tourism signage had recently been installed, adding that the Trustees of the charity had struggled in recent years to run the organisation. 


A Member reported that there had been changes to the usual funding streams and as a result had affected the running of the organisation.  He acknowledged that if the Council were to revise the supporting role then the charity must also look to do the same.  He suggested that Options 2, 3 and 4 all be further explored and that a consideration be given to the level of rents based on the floor-space and footfall between the Clipstone and Newark locations. 


The Leader of the Council, attending in his ex-officio capacity, made reference to the figures contained in the report relating to employee costs and turnover.  He also commented that there appeared to be little progress in reducing the amount of rent arrears as noted in paragraph 2.10.  He acknowledged that the organisation provided a good service and suggested that the Council request that a Member of the Council attend the Board of Trustees’ meetings in an observer capacity.  He added that if the organisation did not accept the offer of assistance from the Council then they would have to deal with the subsequent consequences. 


The Vice-Chairman of the Committee suggested that rather than the development of a Business Plan, a robust Recovery Plan be developed within the next 3 months, after which the Council would review it and offer assistance if considered necessary.  When the plan was finalised it would be necessary for the Charity to adhere to it.  The Vice-Chairman acknowledged that the RCP was run by Trustees of a Charity but that they must help and support their employees. 


AGREED        (unanimously) that:


(a)     Officers pursue Options 2 and 3 listed in paragraph 3.1 of the report and that these be run simultaneously;


(b)     a Recovery Plan be developed and submitted to the Council for consideration within the next 3 months;


(c)     the Board of Trustees be approached with a view to the relevant Ward Member(s) attending their meetings in an observer capacity; and


(d)     a full review of the Rumbles Catering Project be undertaken after a period of 18 months (September 2020).


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