Agenda item

Active4Today Final Business Plan and Performance


The Committee considered the report presented by the Health Improvement and Community Relations Manager which presented the Active4Today Business Plan 2020/21 and the latest performance report to the end of November 2019 for approval.  The Managing Director Active4Today was also in attendance and answered Members questions.


The report detailed the overview of performance; financial overview; the Business Plan 2020/21 which was appended to the report; and Southwell Leisure Centre Trust.


A Member commented that whilst the Newark Sports and Fitness Centre offered great facilities he was disappointed that children’s fees would be increased.  It was felt small increases would be a challenge to some families and would like to see all prices for children under £5 to keep fees manageable.  The Managing Director Active4Today confirmed that it was a balancing act trying to encourage people to use facilities which were value for money, whilst covering costs.  Pay and play sessions did encourage people onto memberships and this was a first increase for children’s fees since 2015.


A Member commented on the decline in Sports Development in deprived areas and asked how that was being addressed.  The Managing Director Active4Today confirmed that there was two reasons for the decline in numbers.  The first was the reduction of staff over the last four months, programmes had been reduced due to staff shortages.  The second reason was that the Sports Development Team do not generally deliver sessions they facilitate them through the voluntary and community sports club network, and they don’t record participant numbers when the clubs assume responsibility as the sessions no longer belong to Active4Today.


A Member sought clarification regarding the Capital Charges and where those Capital Charges were located as they were not in the business plan.  The Business Manager Financial Services confirmed that the Capital Charges were shown in the budget presented to the Policy & Finance Committee.  The Member asked for the Capital Charges for the Leisure Centre up to the end of the year.  The Business Manager Financial Services confirmed that information would be circulated to Members of the Committee.


A Member commented that there was no information in the Business Plan regarding the income raised through vending machines in situ in the leisure centres.  The Managing Director Active4Today confirmed that Active4Today did not take commission from the vending machines, they were there for the convenience of the customer.  The Member commented that if the vending machines were infrequently

used they should not be there as it was promoting unhealthy food.  The Chairman confirmed that this could be assessed in the future.


AGREED           (unanimously) that:


                        (a)        the Active4Today Business Plan 2020/21 be approved;


                        (b)        performance to Period 8 (November) be noted;


                        (c)        Active4Today presents its 2019/20 draft accounts by early April                             2020 in order that the Director – Communities and                                                           Environment, with delegated approval, can agree what level of                         contribution is made to the Company, if any, for 19/20 based                            on the outturn position;


                        (d)        the full year financial position be reported to the June                                             Committee; and


                        (e)        the Capital Charges for the Leisure Centre up to the end of the                               year be circulated to Members of the Committee.

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