The Committee considered the report presented by the Business Manager-Financial Services, which sought feedback from the Leisure & Environment Committee on the proposed general fund revenue budget for the 2020/21 financial year 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021, for those services which fell under its remit. It also sought feedback on the scale of proposed fees & charges for 2020/21 or those services which fell under its remit. Approval was also sought for the 2020/21 base budget as detailed in Appendix A to the report, which would be recommended to the Policy & Finance Committee at its meeting on 20 February 2020 for inclusion in the overall council budget; and to seek approval for the 2020/21 fees & charges as detailed in Appendix D to the report, which was also recommended to Policy & Finance Committee at its meeting on 20 February 2020 and Council at its meeting on 9 March 2020.
Members asked the following questions:
The Business Manager-Financial Services confirmed that there had been a restructure in the waste team and a new post entitled Community Liaison Officer in the Community Relations Team. A written answer would be circulated to Members of the Committee.
Appendix B – Budget Summary by Committee- Subjective, sets the charges. How often the services levied, as are contained in Appendix D – Proposed 2020/21 Fees & Charges – Leisure and Environment Committee and how frequently are other services levied?
The Business Manager Financial Services confirmed that market conditions were taken into account when the fees and charges were compiled. Officers make assumptions as to what the budgets will be, the actual figures would occur during the financial year. Information regarding this would be reported back to a future meeting of the Committee.
The naming and numbering fee at £30 per plot appeared high?
The Business Manager-Financial Services confirmed that the fee did not just reflect the hourly rate of the Officer, it also included the reclaim of associated overheads relating to the service. The Economic Development Committee at their November meeting reviewed the policy for Fees and Charges. The Chairman asked for an update regarding how the fees and charges are compiled and historic charges.
A Member sought clarification regarding stray dog prices. Prices charged for stray dog collection were very low, £75 initial charge and £8 per day kennel fee. The Member commented that this charge was cheaper than kennel fees and questioned why the fees were so low.
The Business Manager-Financial Services confirmed that a written response would be provided to Members of the Committee.
AGREED (unanimously) that:
(a) Written responses be circulated to Members of the Committee regarding the following questions raised:
i. Staff costs had increased by £143,000 where have the extra costs come from?
ii. Appendix B – Budget Summary by Committee- Subjective, sets the charges. How often are the services levied, as are contained in Appendix D – Proposed 2020/21 Fees & Charges – Leisure and Environment Committee and how frequently are other services levied? An update report to a future meeting of the Committee.
iii. The Chairman asked for an update regarding how the fees and charges are compiled and historic charges.
iv. A Member sought clarification regarding stray dog prices. Prices charged for stray dog collection were very low, £75 initial charge and £8 per day kennel fee. The Member commented that this charge was cheaper than kennel fees and questioned why the fees were so low.
(b) the following recommendations be made to Policy & Finance Committee at its meeting on 20 February 2020:
i. the 2020/21 base budget in Appendix A for inclusion in the overall Council budget; and
ii. to Council on 9 March 2020 the 2020/21 fees & charges in Appendix D.
Supporting documents: