The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Planning Development relating to a scheme at appeal which sought a residential development for eighty dwellings.
An application for the above residential development was presented to the Planning Committee on 4 June 2019 for consideration. Members resolved to refuse the application contrary to officer recommendation for four reasons as detailed within the report. The applicant/appellant had now lodged an appeal and had submitted an amended plan to the Planning Inspectorate. This revised plan sought some changes and the report sought the views of the Planning Committee, who were the initial decision makers, on the proposed amendments to inform the appeal.
The amendments incorporated within the revised plan are as follows:
· Re-distribution/dispersal of affordable houses on site. This does not alter the layout or design of the site since the house types remain as previously submitted;
· Provision of 16 dwellings for occupation by householders with at least one member over the age of 55 years only (50 % of which would be DDA – Building Regulations Part M compliant – Category 2: ‘Accessible and Adaptable Dwellings’ as set out within the documents submitted 16 July 2019), in lieu of the explicit provision of bungalows;
· Amendments to the dwelling mix (set out within the submitted table received 16 July 2019);
· There were no amendments to the relevant plots eliminating any triple vehicle tandem parking provision which remained contrary to NCC Highway advice; and
· No amendment had been made to ensure that the public open space was a focal point of the development which was a previous member concern.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from Southwell Town Council and the Planning Case Officer. The Committee was informed of an error in the report from Newark and Sherwood District Council Planning Policy. The comment stated that the amended plan showed a decrease in the total number of bedrooms provided within the affordable housing units from ninety-nine to forty-four, which was incorrect. The amended plan in fact showed a decrease from fifty-one to forty-four.
Councillor D Martin, Southwell Town Council spoke against the erection of traffic lights to the entrance of the development, this was in accordance with the views of Southwell Town Council.
Members considered the application and felt that there was no need for traffic lights at this site, there were no other traffic lights on similar sites in Southwell and traffic lights at this location would be detrimental to the town.
AGREED (with 13 votes For and 1 Abstention) that:
Notwithstanding and without prejudice to the previous officer recommendation for approval:
(a) in the event that the Inspector refuses to accept the amendments shown on the Revised Plan, the Council should defend all the existing reasons for refusal set out on the existing decision notice; and
(b) in the event that the Inspector accepts the amendments on Revised Plan, then the Council should defend the existing reasons for refusal with the exception of Reason 3 and this should be reflected in the narrowing of the scope of Reason 4, but it should also be made clear as part of the appeal process that the view of Members is that the revised scheme results in additional harm on the grounds of the resultant inappropriate affordable housing mix.
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