An update presentation was provided by the Chief Executive – Richard Mitchell, Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The presentation slides are attached as appendix 1.
Following the presentation a question and answer session ensued as follows:
Q1. A high percentage of nurses are not trained in the UK, how do you plan to train and recruit nurses.
A1. The Chief Executive was unsure whether that was correct. There were large proportions within the hospital that were fully established. There was a need to make sure that the Newark and Sherwood District was an attractive place to live and work. The area was popular from a staff prospective with lots of qualified nurses and medics. Plans were in place regarding Brexit with or without a deal.
Q2. A Member commented that Newark Hospital was now an urgent care centre. There was a free bus service to Kings Mill Hospital, however Newark was a growing town and if you had a heart attack or stroke you would have to go to Kings Mill as Newark did not have the facility to treat you. The need for more defibrillators was also raised.
A2. Practical steps had been taken at Newark. Market sharing had been strengthened to reduce patients transferring from Newark to Kings Mill. The diagnostics at Newark had increased. The distribution of defibrillators in Newark Town Centre was not in the Chief Executives control. That would be taken back to the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) as that did not sit with Newark Hospital or Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Q3. The community had complained in the past about the operation at Newark Hospital and Kings Mill Hospital. Complaints were now being received regarding the roll out of primary care and the length of time taken for an appointment for a GP. The Primary Care network was failing residents. A Member commented that good things were happening at Newark Hospital; they had a partnership with the CCG which was focused on the community. The hospital had a stroke ward and had expanded the urgent care centre, which had taken off pressure at the Kings Mill Accident and Emergency department (A&E), which was operating well. The research programme was questioned and whether that was tailored in line with the types of health issues in the district i.e. COPD-with old mining communities.
A3. The Chief Executive thanked the Member for his points regarding the operation of the Newark Hospital and commented that elective orthopaedic treatment was also being offered at Newark hospital.
The research programmes focused on local needs i.e. respiratory service which was commented as good. Research work was being undertaken in conjunction with Nottingham University and other universities.
Q4. A Member sought clarification as to whether there would be a future facility at Newark or Kings Mill for amputees as currently the nearest facility was Nottingham City hospital. Car parking charges were also expensive at this site, especially when attending several times per week.
A4. Whilst there was a need for this facility, it was unlikely that this would be offered in the future at Newark and Kings Mill. That decision however was not in the Chief Executives control or influence. The plan was to centralise them with the city health care. It was commented that Kings Mill hospital had the lowest parking charges in the area. Members’ comments however would be reported back.
The Chairman thanked the Chief Executive for attending and presenting the informative presentation. He congratulated him on the improvements achieved to date and invited him back to a future meeting of the Leisure and Environment Committee.
AGREED that the presentation be noted.