Agenda item

Yorke Drive And Lincoln Road Playing Field, Lincoln Road, Newark 18/02279/OUTM (MAJOR)

Site visit: 10.45am – 11.00am


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Growth & Regeneration, following a site inspection, which sought selective demolition and redevelopment of parts of the existing Yorke Drive Estate and the erection of new mixed tenure housing, community and recreational facilities on the adjoining Lincoln Road Playing Field site, resulting in the development of up to 320 homes. The Planning Officer confirmed that the development plan was up to date for decision making purposes with the Amended Core Strategy adopted in March 2019. The site was allocated for development in July 2013 (in the adopted Allocation and Development Management DPD) which was informed by a number of evidence base documents. Decisions must be made in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicated otherwise. The Planning Officer summarised key consultation responses received during the lifetime of the application including those from Sport England and neighbours.  Considerations in relation to the impact on existing formal and informal open space and proposed provision was drawn to Members attention.  The transformational benefits of the proposal supported by both the site allocation and by partner organisations including Homes England was highlighted.


A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the agenda was published from the following: Newark Sports Association; Planning Case Officer; and Nottinghamshire County Council Education.


The Planning Case Officer summarised the proposed contributions and informed Committee of the amendment to the proposed education contribution (reduced based on need) in addition to an amendment to condition 16 (Construction Environment Management Plan) as detailed in the schedule of communication. The officer advised of the need to amend the recommendation to ensure additional delegated officer responsibility be given before a decision was issued to secure a mechanism for ensuring the future retention and maintenance of the noise mitigation measures as required by recommendation (c) given that this needed to be controlled over the lifetime of the development.


Councillor Mrs G Dawn representing Newark Town Council spoke in accordance with the views of Newark Town Council as contained within the report.


Members considered the application as a major project for the authority and welcomed the improvement works to the Bridge ward.  A Member raised concern regarding the routing of construction traffic and suggested that construction traffic should not use Lincoln road, as the traffic was already problematic on that road.  Access to the site should be diverted through Brunel Drive.  It was commented that Daloon had been on the industrial estate for a number of years and provided employment for local people; whilst they could be asked to put filters on their air conditioning it would be unfair to restrict their business use.


AGREED           (with 9 votes For and 3 votes Against) that outline planning                                     permission be granted subject to the following:


(a)        the conditions contained within the report;


(b)        the further bat emergence surveys as required by the                                 submitted Ecology Reports being undertaken before the                                    decision notice is issued, with delegated officer responsibility               for consideration the implications of the results, mitigating                        them appropriately and adding ecology related conditions                                   should they be required; and

(c)        the Officer receiving confirmation from the Applicant before the decision notice is issued that the noise mitigation works at Daloon have been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the Memo dated 15.02.2019 Mitigation Options Regarding Services Noise from Daloon Foods and that delegated officer responsibility is given to ensure an appropriate mechanism for securing its future retention and maintenance is undertaken before the decision notice is issued.

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