The Committee considered the report of the Director of Growth & Regeneration, which sought planning permission to vary condition 16 (to enable the construction of all new build dwellings in one phase) and to vary Condition 8 (relating to the pedestrian access to Lindum Street) attached to planning permission 18/00125/FULM; Proposed conversion of Hatton House (formerly Newark Working Mens Club) Beacon Hill Road Newark, to form 8 apartments. The remainder of the building to be demolished, to include the erection of 8 new cottages and associated access and landscaping works.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the agenda was published from the agent and the resident of 26 Lindum Street, Newark.
Councillor M Skinner representing Newark Town Council spoke against the application in accordance with the views of Newark Town Council as contained within the report.
Councillor Mrs G Dawn representing Bridge Ward spoke against the application on the grounds of lack of privacy for No. 21 Lindum Street, when the gate was being opened/closed. The land leading to the gate was not in ownership of the developer and was sitting on a World War II bunker. There would be extra footfall if the access/egress was allowed from the usage of the gate and residents of the proposed development may park on Lindum Street and walk through. The gate key pad would not prevent this access being used only by residents as it was felt that local people would get to know the code and would use the access as a short cut. Concern was also raised regarding the buildings referred to as cottages as they were considered as large brick buildings, which were not considered in keeping with the area and impacted on the privacy of the rear gardens on Lindum Street.
Members considered the application and it was commented that the reason that Planning Committee was approved was due to the side pedestrian access through the gate, as it was considered dangerous for pedestrians to walk down the narrow access road. Other Members commented that perhaps planning permission should not have been approved given the poor access onto Beacon Hill Road. Lindum Street was a narrow dead end street and a large amount of resident objection had been received, as residents had not been consulted on the original application. It was suggested that the back gate be used for emergency access only and that a key be used instead of a key pad.
The Planning Officer confirmed in respect of the pedestrian link element a consultation had not been undertaken for the original application as the Officer recommendation for that application had been refusal. Consultation had taken place for the subsequent application and site notices had been erected.
AGREED that Planning permission be approved subject to variations as set out as follows:
(i) (with 9 Votes For, 2 Votes Against and 1 Abstention) that requirement be deleted for condition 8 relating to pedestrian access; and
(i) (unanimously) that the proposed amendment to condition 16 be accepted in line with the officer recommendation.
In accordance with paragraph 12.5 of the Planning Protocol, as the motion was against Officer recommendation for condition 8, a recorded vote was taken.
Councillor |
Vote |
Mrs K. Arnold |
For |
R.V. Blaney |
For |
Mrs A.C. Brooks |
Against |
R.A. Crowe |
For |
Mrs M. Dobson |
For |
P. Duncan |
Absent |
G.P. Handley |
For |
J. Lee |
Abstention |
D.R. Payne |
Apology |
Mrs P. Rainbow |
For |
F. Taylor |
Against |
Mrs L.M.J. Tift |
For |
I. Walker |
For |
B. Wells |
Apology |
Yvonne Woodhead |
For |
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