Agenda item

Newark and Sherwood Health and Wellbeing Delivery Plan


The Committee considered the report presented by the Senior Health and Community Relations Officer, which sought Member approval for the adoption of the Newark & Sherwood Health & Wellbeing Partnership Plan 2019-2022.


The District Council had been developing a partnership plan which would outline its commitment to the Nottinghamshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2018 – 2022.  The aims and objectives of the plan had been developed over the last 12 months in consultation with key stakeholders and partners and this approach had developed an overarching strategic objective to ‘improve the health and wellbeing of local residents, with a particular focus on narrowing the gap in healthy life expectancy and other health outcomes’. 


Members commented that whilst they welcomed the delivery plan and the structure envisaged within it, concern was raised that no consultation had taken place with local groups, voluntary sector, parish council etc. Engagement was considered as crucial when trying to improve people’s health and change lifestyles.  The equalities implications were also considered unhelpful and Officers needed to positively address the disadvantages that people faced.  It was further commented that sports grants normally were secured by groups in more affluent areas which was considered unfair and help should be provided to establish new clubs when grants were given to those clubs.   A comment was also made regarding the reference to the 8.4 year gap in life expectancy across Newark & Sherwood for men, which was detailed in the ‘wider determinants of health’ section of the plan.  It was considered that women should also be included within the plan as they also had an 8.3 year gap in life expectancy.  The Senior Health and Community Relations Officer confirmed that the plan would be amended to include both male and female life expectancy figures.  It was also confirmed that the new community plan and staffing restructure would create extra resources to enable work to be undertaken in communities.  An Insight model was also being developed which would undertake research in communities and provide detailed information.  The Council in consultation with other local authorities was developing partnership work with Active Nottinghamshire and Public Health Nottinghamshire.


Childhood obesity was also discussed and a Member commented that local schools had not been consulted regarding this health issue.  The need for joint working with schools was considered necessary to combat childhood obesity.  The Senior Health and Community Relations Officer confirmed that work was being undertaken with schools through the work programme.  The junior park run had taken place and local schools had been involved.  The Chairman of the Council had presented a new Chairman’s trophy to the local school which scored the highest number of points over the period of the schools’ challenge.


A Member commented that the delivery plan did not include COPD or respiratory health problems or diabetes.  The Senior Health and Community Relations Officer confirmed that the delivery plan’s aim was to support improvement in health and wellbeing generally across the District. 


AGREED           (unanimously) that the Newark & Sherwood Health & Wellbeing                            Partnership Plan 2019 – 2022 be approved and adopted.

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