Agenda item

Bulcote Farm, Old Main Road, Bulcote (15/00784/FULM), (17/02325/FULM) and (15/00785/LBC)


The Committee considered the two reports of the Director of Growth & Regeneration, contained within the agenda together regarding Bulcote Farm, Old Main Road, Bulcote for applications 15/00784/FULM, 17/02325/FULM and 15/00785/LBC, the applications sought the following:


Application No. 15/00784/FULM


Full Planning Application and Listed Building Consent for a development comprising 56 residential units (Use Class C3) and community building (Use Class D1) through the conversion of a Grade II Listed Farm Complex "Bulcote Steading" and associated enabling residential development, with associated parking and landscaping.   To be read in conjunction with application ref: 17/02325/FULM; and


Application No. 17/02325/FULM


Development comprising 16 residential units (Use Class C3) associated with Planning Application 15/00784/FULM and Listed Building Consent 15/00785/LBC for the Conversion of Grade II Listed Farm Complex "Bulcote Steading" and associated enabling residential development, with associated infrastructure, parking and landscaping.


Application No. 15/00785/LBC


Listed Building Consent for a development comprising 64 residential units (Use Class C3) and community building (Use Class D1) through the conversion of a Grade II Listed Farm Complex "Bulcote Steading" and associated enabling residential development, with associated parking and landscaping.   To be read in conjunction with application ref: 17/02325/FULM.


A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from the agent.


Councillor K. Simpson representing Bulcote Parish Council spoke against the applications in accordance with the views of Bulcote Parish Council as contained within the report.


Councillor R. Jackson local Ward Member Dover Beck and adjoining Ward Member for this application was allowed to speak due to the impact this application would have on the Dover Beck Ward.  Councillor R. Jackson spoke against the application on the grounds that the proposal was for 72 houses, approx. 140 plus extra cars which would have a large impact on the road network, especially the Lowdham roundabout which was full to capacity.  There would be a big impact on local schools and the health service if the application was granted.  It was reported that the level railway crossing was closed twice a year for maintenance; this would prevent any access to the development including emergency vehicles.  It was commented that it would be good to see the building converted to houses, this proposed scheme however offered no S106, or CIL contribution and was a development for pure profit. 


Members considered Application No. 15/00785/LBC and the application was considered acceptable.


AGREED           (unanimously) that Listed Building Consent be granted subject to the                     conditions set out in the report.



Members considered applications No. 15/00784/FULM and 17/02325/FULM and whilst they were not against some development to bring back to use the old buildings the scale of development now proposed was called into question.  The site values for this site were commented upon.  The problems with the railway junction were discussed and the need for an emergency evacuation plan.  Building in the green belt was also discussed.  It was commented that the terrace block did not add any value to the development.  Some Members were not in support of the proposals, feeling that levels of return and overall scale were too far.  It was suggested that the application be deferred to enable officers to discuss with the applicant a reduction in amount of enabling development.


AGREED           (unanimously) that the application be deferred to enable officers to                      discuss with the applicant viability and provision of developer                                   contributions and reduction in amount of enabling development.



(Councillor J. Lee left at this point.)


Supporting documents: