Site Visit: 10.05am – 10.15am
The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager Growth & Regeneration, following a site inspection, which sought a substitution of plots 138 – 268 (in relation to planning application 16/00139/RMAM and 12/00966/OUTM) with plots 301 – 422, a total of 131 to be substituted with 122 plots and the associated infrastructure.
Councillor P. Peacock Local Ward Member Edwinstowe & Clipstone spoke against the application on the grounds that the single road in and out of the estate given the size of the estate was inappropriate. There was not enough car parking on the estate, including parking on the pavements and the narrow roads. It was reported that an accident had recently occurred on the road leading into the estate which had resulted in the road being closed with no access or egress for residents for some time. There were no retail/community facilities on the estate or public transport. The children’s play park previously agreed two years ago had still not been provided. The Section 106 monies promised through a previous application had been reduced with an £8,000 loss to the community. Concern was also raised regarding the Estate Management fees that were being paid and may be increased each year. The lack of affordable housing was also raised and the need to challenge business viability, with only 4% being provided by this application.
Members considered the application and reiterated what the local Ward Member had reported regarding no community facilities; children’s play areas or open green space.
The Business Manager confirmed that whilst retail units had been requested there were no enforcement procedures available to make the developer provide retail units.
Members sought clarification regarding the enforcement of the play area before further planning permission be granted. The Business Manager confirmed that a breach of contract would be pursued regarding the Section 106 agreement and enforcement action would be taken. It was advised that this application had to be considered on its own merits. It was also reported that discussions with local Ward Members and Clipstone Parish Council had taken place regarding securing another entrance to the site, but there were no current proposals.
Members sought clarification regarding whether the houses and the proposed scheme were larger than the previous scheme and whether an increased contribution should be provided. The Business Manager confirmed that he would check the square footage of the houses and if lower would seek the contribution as set out in the report, if larger would pro-rata the contribution on the square footage.
AGREED (with 10 votes For and 4 votes Against) that:
(i) planning permission be approved subject to the conditions and reasons contained within the report; and
(ii) subject to the signing and sealing of a Section 106 Agreement to secure the matters outlined in the Developer Contributions section of the report, save for any uplift in contribution required on a per square metre as opposed to per unit basis; and
(iii) the Business Manager Growth & Regeneration check whether there was an option to pro-rata the contributions based on sq/m of the dwellings.
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