Agenda item

Christmas Retail Promotion Campaign


The Committee considered the report presented by the Tourism (Place) Marketing Manager which provided information relating to the current Christmas Retail Promotion Campaign – ‘Newark Wonderland’.


The report set out the reason for the retail promotion campaign and that the idea had arisen from discussions held by the Newark Management Group (NMG) at its meeting held in September 2018.  The objectives of the campaign were listed at paragraph 2.4 with the specific proposals and timeline reported in paragraph 3.0.


In considering the report the Chairman advised that funding for the Campaign was to be deducted from additional income received from an increase in car parking revenue.


A Member of the Committee referred to paragraph 2.3 of the report in which it referred to compensation sought from Severn Trent Water (STW) which had not been forthcoming.  The Member stated that when discussions had first been held about the required works the Council had been given the impression that the whole town would receive compensation and not just the roads that were directly affected.  STW were again closing roads to carry out further works and this was being exacerbated by other utility companies undertaking works at the same time.  He cited that a road near to The Wharf where works were taking place had been 3 days without any contractors being in attendance.  He stated that STW should be informed that their continued works was badly affecting the town and that contact be made with the other utility companies to see when their works would be complete. 


A Member of the Committee commented that the timeline for the Campaign had already commenced and that it appeared that the decision to award the funding had already been taken.  In response, the Tourism (Place) Marketing Manager advised that due to the seasonal nature of the campaign contact had already been made with local businesses to ‘warm them up’ and that, to-date, expenditure had been minimal.  The Member queried when the decision had been taken that the Campaign was needed.  The Chairman advised that due to the disruption caused by STW’s works the Campaign was considered necessary.  A Member noted the mechanism to allocate the funding, adding that it would have been more appropriate for it to have been a decision made by Committee. 


In noting that the whole of Newark had been affected by the works, a Member queried as to whether there was a reason why the car parks had seen an increase in usage and how the businesses on the periphery of the town centre would benefit from the Campaign.  Members were advised that the works had resulted in the displacement of residents who made use of parking.  It had also affected workers in the town and commuters who used on-street parking.  All those affected had been forced to use car parks as an alternative.  It was also reported that some of the businesses affected had been able to demonstrate to STW a drop in their trade during the period when the works were taking place.


In relation to the peripheral businesses the Chairman advised that when it had become apparent that STW would not award compensation the Council had convened a meeting with all businesses affected to offer to assist them.  The Campaign was generic and was to assist the whole of Newark.


In relation to the Campaign’s objectives, the Chairman queried why the areas had been chosen that were listed in paragraph 2.4(i) and not the areas of: Mansfield; Doncaster; Worksop; Retford and Ashfield.  He also queried what websites the Campaign would be promoted on, adding that he had searched ‘What’s on in Newark’ and the only result had been about the Christmas Light Switch-On which was an annual event. 



AGREED      (unanimously) that:


(a)     the delivery of the Campaign and its objectives be noted; and


(b)     the funding of the Campaign as set out in Section 5 of the report be supported.


Supporting documents: