The Committee received a verbal presentation from Chief Inspector Andrew Rooke of the Nottinghamshire Police Authority in relation to Community Safety and Policing in the Bassetlaw and Newark & Sherwood Division. CI Rooke spoke to Members about a number of matters as follows.
He advised that there had been a significant increase in the number of reported incidents during the summer period peaking at 1200 in a 24 hour period, noting that the usual figure was in the region of 750. This increase in incidents had now abated and levels had returned to a more usual number.
Until April 2018 there had been a regional collaboration of Police Authorities to deal with certain crimes and incidents although this had ceased in April 2018. In relation to staffing levels within the force, CI Rooke stated that the demographic of Officers was that of younger individuals who were still being trained or who had recently completed their training. There were few unfilled vacancies, which was to be welcomed, but the officers in post needed to be progressed through the force in order to gain the necessary skills and experience. CI Rooke also stated that the force continued to be required to implement further changes and deliver savings which could have an impact on service delivery.
In relation to management, CI Rook advised that there was a new County Commander and a newly appointment Inspector for Newark. The previous Inspector, Louise Clarke had been promoted and replaced by Inspector Heather Sutton. There was also a dedicated CID Team in Newark which was very welcome, positive news together with a newly appointed locally based Intelligence Officer.
Specifically to Newark & Sherwood, CI Rooke advised that there had been a 10.5% increase in the number of crimes committed and this equated to approximately 500 additional cases to the previous year. He stated that the increase was a reflection of county; regional; and national issues.
CI Rooke advised that incidents of anti-social behaviour were down but that low level public disorder crime had increased. However, this could be attributed to the fact that Police Authorities had been required to amend the way in which crime statistics were recorded. He noted that in relation to burglaries there had been an increase from the same time last year. Domestic burglaries were up by 50 with commercial burglaries being up by 75.
Members were advised that CI Rooke and his Officers undertook a daily review of reported incidents to assess whether there were any emerging trends. There was also a fortnightly review of all reported incidents to identify any themes and whether additional resources were required to target specific areas of concern.
CI Rooke updated Members on local issues advising that some 6/8 weeks ago there had been a specific increase in crime in Newark Town Centre and that this was thought to be driven by drug related crime. The figures reported were not in line with the rest of the county and therefore Operation Bough had been launched to combat the increase. This constituted both overt and covert operations in a proactive approach. Crime in the town centre had increased by 30% in comparison to the same time last year and plans were being activated to tackle this.
Members were advised that there had been an increase in cyclical crime e.g. travelling criminals who came into the district specifically to target the theft of high class vehicles and burglaries of affluent properties. The Police Authority now had a specific burglary team who could deploy resources rapidly and there was good intelligence on the perpetrators.
CI Rooke advised Members that there had been an increase in the use of County Lines explaining that this was when criminals targeted individuals who were easily manipulated or vulnerable into acting on their behalf. It was often the case that criminals selected areas perceived to be easy targets and used the individuals to carry out the crimes on their behalf.
The Chairman invited Members to put questions to CI Rooke and advised that, if possible, he would like him to attend Committee on a more regular basis.
A Member of the Committee advised that the villages on the Farndon side of the River Trent had little contact with their assigned PCSO and that if an incident was reported they were often given a crime number with no subsequent contact as to whether an investigation had taken place. CI Rooke advised that an assessment of the reported incident would be undertaken and that if the victim was thought to be vulnerable they would receive an enhanced response, dependent upon the crime. He added that in some cases there would be no direct contact with a Police Officer and that the incident could be reported directly to HQ. Again, he reiterated that this would be dependent upon the incident.
In noting that the Police Authority was facing a difficult time a Member queried whether it was possible to have a breakdown of the crime figures. CI Rooke advised that the information would be available on the Police Authority’s website.
A Member stated that the PCSO assigned in Southwell had an excellent relationship with the Town Council and residents but that if an incident occurred and he was required to review CCTV he had to make the journey to the Force HQ at Sherwood Lodge. The Business Manager – Community Safety, who was in attendance at the meeting, advised that there was a viewing suite available at Newark Police Station.
Members agreed that the installation and use of CCTV cameras acted as a deterrent. A Member of the Committee queried whether it was possible that the Police could assist in having the CCTV camera reinstalled on the Winthorpe Estate, as since its removal there had been an increase in incidents. CI Rooke advised that they could provide evidence as to the number of reported incidents but that it was the responsibility of the local authority to determine their location.
In noting the aforementioned gap in skills and experience a Member queried whether suitable Officers could be drafted in to fill the gap. CI Rooke advised that the Bassetlaw and Newark & Sherwood Division were no worse off than any other area and that if a crime was committed then the appropriate resource would be assigned.
In concluding the debate the Chairman thanked CI Rooke for attending the meeting and reiterated his previous invitation to attend more frequently and that he would invite all Members of the Council to a future meeting to take part. He also stated that he would like to extend an invitation to the newly appointed Inspector for Newark, Heather Sutton to attend a future meeting of the Committee.
AGREED (unanimously) that Chief Inspector Rooke be thanked for his attendance and the information he presented be noted.