The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager Growth & Regeneration, which sought temporary (5 year) permission in relation to improved security and campsite operation, comprising:
· Planning Permission for a vehicle security gate to main entrance, estate fencing along driveway and front boundary;
· Change of use of sports field for camping and caravanning operation comprising a maximum of 50 pitches;
· Planning Permission for mains cabinet;
· Retrospective Planning Permission for 8no. electricity distribution boxes;
· Retrospective Planning Permission for WC block;
· Retrospective Planning Permission for family shower block;
· Retrospective Planning Permission for unisex shower block and Elsan Point;
· Retrospective Planning Permission for security cameras mounted on 6.5m poles (3 No. in total).
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from Averham, Kelham & Staythorpe Parish Council.
Members considered the application and the comments of Averham, Kelham & Staythorpe Parish Council regarding the effluent disposal and run off were discussed. Members felt that the report had not addressed this matter adequately. An email from the neighbouring farmer which had been placed on the public planning file had indicated that the effluent treatment plant that had been put in place was for domestic use and effluent was leaking onto the land of the adjacent field. The comments of the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board were read out which stipulated that there must not be any surface water run-off. A Member suggested that the design should be agreed by the Local Authority and an appropriate condition requiring surface water run-off and effluent disposal be in agreement with the Local Authority, Lead Local Flood Authority and that the planning permission should not get consent until that was complied with. The time period of five years was also considered too long and it was suggested that be reduced to three years to enable the assessment that the delivery of a high quality hotel and spa was progressing before any agreement to an extension of time.
It was further suggested that the wording within the conditions referring to units be strengthened. Reference to ‘units’ under condition 1 and other references under conditions 7, 8 and 9, there was no mention of whether they were touring or static.
It was suggested that wherever units/camping/caravanning was referred to, should be clarified as touring only and vehicles logged not just people with maximum number of days.
A Member commented that the proposed gates were not in keeping with the Hall.
(Councillor D.P. Payne, I. Walker and B. Wells declared their Personal Interests during the discussion as they were Members of the Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board).
AGREED (unanimously) that temporary planning permission be approved subject to the conditions and reasons contained within the report
and the following amendments to the conditions:
(i) Condition to be attached to ensure no further development until a scheme is submitted no later than 3 months from the date of permission confirming arrangements for surface water runoff and effluent disposal to be agreed in consultation with Nottinghamshire County Council (Lead Local Flood Authority) and Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board;
(ii) Temporary consent for 3 years and not 5 as applied for to enable assessment that the delivery of a high quality hotel and spa is progressing before any agreement to an extension of this period; and
(iii) References to ‘units’ in condition 1 and other references under conditions 7, 8 and 9 to be amended to make it clear that these references are to tents or touring caravans used. Condition 7 & 9 should be amended to make it clear that pitches must not be occupied by the same person(s)/tent/touring caravan for a total period exceeding 28 days in any calendar year and that the register in condition 7 should record not only names of person(s) but also details of the tent/touring caravan present.
Supporting documents: