The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager – Growth & Regeneration, which sought to re-develop the site of the Robin Hood into a mixed use scheme of commercial development and a 66 bed hotel. Unlike the previously withdrawn schemes, the current applications sought to retain the façade and some additional walls of the Robin Hood buildings in the development. The design of the current proposal had evolved following pre-application discussions with interested parties including Historic England and Travelodge as the end occupier of the hotel.
As clarified by the submitted Design and Access Statement, the scheme proposed commercial development at ground floor. This took the form of commercial units, a hotel entrance and supporting ancillary hotel spaces. The intermediate, first and second floors provided hotel accommodation and supporting ancillary hotel/commercial spaces. The ground and intermediate floors would contain three commercial units.
The proposed use of these units would be flexible to allow shop (Class A1); financial and professional services (Class A2); café/restaurant (Class A3); and leisure (Class D2) uses. The first and second floors provided a total of 66 beds of hotel accommodation, linen areas and stores.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from a neighbouring party and Historic England.
The Business Manager Growth & Regeneration informed the Committee that Officers had agreed that the revised comments received from the Historic England as detailed in the Schedule of Communication and the revised wording to Condition 3 was appropriate and therefore should be amended to read as follows:
“Prior to commencement of development an updated ‘Historic Fabric to be retained’ plan and associated schedule of works, including structural engineering drawings and method statement shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with Historic England. The updated ‘Historic Fabric to be retained’ plan shall retain at least the areas shown as ‘Historic Fabric to be retained’ in plan ref. J1565 (08) 113 Rev. B. The details shall include:
· the areas of masonry to be demolished;
· a method statement for ensuring the safety and stability of the building fabric identified to be retained throughout the phases of demolition and reconstruction;
· the arrangements for temporary secure storage of salvage materials; the person or body specialising in this procedure appointed by the applicant; and a timetable for their reinstatement, re-use or disposal; and a detailed methodology for the repair and renovation of the building fabric to be retained. Particular regard should be given to the following item(s): chimney-pieces; cast guttering and hopper-heads; windows containing historic window glass; historic timber beams, joists and rafters. No such features shall be disturbed or removed temporarily or permanently except as indicated on the approved drawings or without the prior approval in writing of the Local Planning Authority. Where appropriate, sound materials/features/fixtures forming part of the building shall be carefully taken down, protected and securely stored for later re-use. During the works, if hidden historic features are revealed they should be retained in-situ unless otherwise agreed in writing with the District Planning Authority. Works shall otherwise be halted in the relevant area of the building and the Local Planning Authority should be notified immediately. The agreed measures shall be carried out in full.
Reason: To ensure that the maximum level of historic fabric to the Listed Buildings is retained as envisaged through the application submission and to ensure that those areas shown as ‘Historic Fabric to be retained’ in plan ref. J1565 (08) 113 Rev. B are retained in any event.”
It was also recommended that recommendation 3 be revised as detailed within the Schedule of Communication.
The Chairman informed the Committee that the application was before them due to the objection from the Society of Outstanding Buildings and the application would have to be referred to the National Planning Casework Unit for them to decide if the application should be called in for determination by the Secretary of State.
Members considered the application and a Member commented that the Council needed to be clear that paragraphs 132 and 134 of the National Planning Policy Frame (NPPF) had been applied to determine whether there was substantial harm. It was also confirmed that Historic England had withdrawn their objection, but the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) had not. Members felt that as the Robin Hood had been converted to a hotel 50 years ago a return to a hotel was welcomed as there was a shortage of them within the town centre. The improvements to the adjacent car park was also discussed which would offer twenty-four hour parking and would help the night time economy. It was commented that Newark’s listed buildings provided added value to the town. The proposed application was a vital gateway to the town and would enhance the street scene.
AGREED (unanimously) that subject to conformity with the newly revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), to be assessed by way of compliance statement published by the Business Manager, Growth and Regeneration:
(a) both full planning permission and listed building consent be approved subject to the conditions and reasons contained within the report, with the change to Condition 3 as contained above and in the schedule of communication;
(b) the applications be referred to the National Planning Casework Unit for them to decide if the application should be called in for determination by the Secretary of State; and
(C) approval of the applications are subject to a signed Section 106 agreement to ensure that:
· both 18/01021/LBC and 18/01020/FULM are linked such that no development granted by the consents shall commence until a contract for the construction of the development approved by the permission has firstly been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority; and
· to secure the overnight parking arrangements with the adjacent NCP car park.
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