The Committee considered the report of the Acting Business Manager – Planning Development, which considered the local impact report A46 Newark Bypass and sought Member approval for the submission of the report to the Examining Authority.
Given the scale and complexity of this project, there was a lengthy process involved. To date, there had been non-statutory public consultation (December 2020), statutory consultation (October 2022), and various technical consultations and negotiations with this Council and other Councils, alongside affected landowners and communities along the route of the proposed Bypass. National Highways submitted a Development Consent Order (DCO) earlier this year with the formal acceptance having been made by the Planning Inspectorate on the 23 May 2024.
The developer/applicant had to apply to the Planning Inspectorate for a different permission called a Development Consent Order (DCO), instead of applying to the local authority for Planning Permission in the normal way. A DCO followed a strict timetable and procedure as set out by the Planning Inspectorate and removed the need to obtain several separate consents and was intended to be a quicker process. The final decision would be taken by the Secretary of State, the elected minister with responsibility for the area of policy.
The Local Impact Report had to be submitted to the ExA by Deadline 1 as outlined in the Rule 6 letter which was 22 October 2024. A Hearing would take place 2 December 2024 and 14 February 2025.
Councillor J Lee (Local Ward Member Balderton North & Coddington) spoke in support of the application.
A schedule of communication was circulated prior to the meeting which detailed correspondence received following publication of the agenda from TownLegal and AECOM (via Nottinghamshire County Council).
The Planning Chair thanked the Planning Team for their work on this informative report.
The Director Planning & Growth informed the Committee that the Council’s role was to help the Secretary of State to decide whether this scheme was acceptable. Members had a role of adding value, which can be achieved through representations. It was perfectly legitimate for the Council not to have all the answers, but to be involved and have a role in the process.
Members considered the Local Impact Report and the following suggestions were raised:
· Impact on Winthorpe School
· Choice of road surface for noise mitigation
· Additional traffic from other developments including commercial projects on the A17/showground
· Construction and phasing for the purposes of flooding, lighting details, columns, and exploration of low energy solution
· Additional cross sections between Brownhills and Cattlemarket roundabouts to show impact on St. Marys church
· Emergency services and traffic management detailing people and green corridors and movements across the site
· How many new footpaths
· Pedestrians access from Winthorpe Village across the A46 to Newark showground
It was also confirmed that the construction time would be 2025 if started on time and completed 2029. The scheme would cost circa half a billion (tier 1 scheme).
AGREED (unanimously) that Members approve the submission of the Local Impact Report to the Examination Authority, with the delegation to the Planning Committee Chair and or Vice Chair and the Director for Planning and Growth to approve any amendments to the report before submission in line with the comments raised and other outstanding amendments.
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