Site Visit: 11.20am – 11.30am
The Committee considered the report of the Business Manager Growth & Regeneration, following a site inspection, which sought full planning permission for the conversion and change of use of the former working men’s club to eight residential apartments and the erection of eight new build dwellings within its grounds; totalling sixteen dwellings. Car parking for nineteen vehicles was now proposed on-site having been amended from sixteen in an attempt to address highways concerns.
A schedule of communication was tabled at the meeting which detailed correspondence received after the Agenda was published from the following: the Applicants Agent, which included a summary statement as Appendix A and Trip Generation Statement as Appendix B; Newark Town Council; Nottinghamshire County Council Highways Authority; and Nottinghamshire County Council – Policy.
Councillor Mathew Skinner, representing Newark Town Council spoke against the application in accordance with the views of Newark Town Council.
The Business Manager Growth & Regeneration presented this application and the following application on the agenda for listed building consent together, but informed Members that the two applications both stood in their own right. He commented that the application had split Planning Officers viewpoints. The amenity impact required consideration, taking into consideration the benefits of the development against the highway harm. Reference was also made to the subsidy value. All parties had agreed that the highway was inadequate when measured against current standards. The Highway Authority maintained that it was not acceptable and therefore Officer recommendation was refusal.
Members considered the application and it was commented that the development was not over intensive but the access and egress impact was significant. Other Members commented that whilst the highway objection needed to be taken into consideration, asked what scheme would be suitable for the building. It was commented that the scheme did have merits and enhanced a listed building which would be improved both internally and externally.
The Chairman referred to the entrance to the Potterdyke House car park, which was very similar. It was commented that there was a huge benefit to the proposed development as the building was listed and of importance in Newark.
It was further commented that the access did widen and the site used to have deliveries of beer etc. It was noted that here was also pedestrian access to the site.
Clarification was sought regarding the storage of the wheelie bins and it was confirmed that there would be bin stores. The bins would then be taken to the edge of the road on collection day.
AGREED (with 8 votes for and 5 votes against) that contrary to Officer recommendation, planning permission be approved subject to appropriate conditions to be considered by the Business Manager - Growth & Regeneration.
In accordance with paragraph 12.5 of the Planning Protocol, as the motion was against Officer recommendation, a recorded vote was taken.
Councillor |
Vote |
Mrs K. Arnold |
For |
R.V. Blaney |
Absent |
Mrs A.C. Brooks |
For |
R.A. Crowe |
Against |
Mrs M. Dobson |
Absent |
P. Duncan |
Against |
G.P. Handley |
Against |
J. Lee |
Against |
D.R. Payne |
For |
Mrs P. Rainbow |
For |
F. Taylor |
For |
Mrs L.M.J. Tift |
Against |
I. Walker |
For |
B. Wells |
For |
Mrs Y. Woodhead |
For |
Supporting documents: