Agenda item

Planning Constitution Review


The Committee considered the report of the Director – Planning & Growth relating to a review of the Planning Committee Scheme of Delegation to Officers with suggested amendments.  A review of public speaking for Planning Committee.  A review of the Protocol for Members on dealing with planning matters.


The following comments were raised:


A Member objected to public speaking, on the grounds that delaying consideration          of schemes at committee would not speed up decision making. Concerns were also          raised regarding those too scared to speak at committee and that this would          disadvantage them.


         The Local Planning Authority should lobby to allow retention of extension of time          (EOT) where used properly as it could improve schemes. Concern was also raised          about public speaking due to inequality of those who may not be professionally          represented etc, and would like all ward Members to be able to speak rather than          one. The maximum length of agenda should also be considered.


         More flexibility over adjacent ward Members being able to speak. Would like 10-         minute break if meeting goes over 4 hours. Disappointed by weight of Parish Council          diminished and concerned that professional agents could speak and wanted it de-         professionalised. Pointed to paragraph 9.2 of report in respect of pre-app          engagement and Southwell Neighbourhood Plan (SNP) which required that officers            consider (rather than should).


         It was suggested that adjacent ward Members to be able to speak where a          development within a certain distance and/or where it had significant impacts          (additional of word or).


         A Member was in support of public speaking but raised concern about unintended          consequences.


         It was suggested that a limit of 4 hours with exception of extending and wanted          heart strings to be listened to.


         It was further commented that Members should express themselves more concisely          to cut   committee length or have a separate planning day.


         A review to take place within 6 months rather than at 6 months.


         The Chair suggested the following amendments:


·             regarding ward Members, that more than 1 could speak if their views were in          opposition,

·             amending amendment regarding adjoining ward Member and for them to           identify material planning considerations impacts upon their Ward:

(a)   Para 8.3 insert e: For referrals by Adjoining Ward Members where the application, in their opinion, would have a material planning impact on the whole or part of their ward (refer paragraph 8.1) the referral request shall include a reason or reasons as to how the application will have a material planning impact on        their Ward. 

·             9.2 must rather than should,

·             Review within 6 months rather than at 6 months.

AGREED          (with 11 For and 1 Against) that subject to the above amendments:


(a)              the amended Scheme of Delegation to Officers;

(b)            changes to the Protocol on Planning Committee (including its title) to facilitate public speaking arrangements, clarification in relation to late representations and other minor amendments come into effect on the 8 April 2024;

(c)              the amendments to the Scheme of Delegation to Officers come                              into effect on the 8 April 2024; 

(d)             that the changes in the Protocol for Planning Committee                                 relating to public speaking would be in effect for Planning                                Committee meeting to be held on 9 May 2024;

(e)              the suggested amendments to the ‘Newark & Sherwood Local                              Development Framework, Statement of Community                                         Involvement’ in relation to public speaking are noted; a report                              will be presented to Cabinet seeking approval prior to                                      consultation;

(f)               a review of public speaking is undertaken within 6-months of                         operation.


Supporting documents: